



    New Orleans Opera - Concert

    Nov, 2023 - Dec, 2023
  • Marie

    Lyric Opera’s ‘Daughter of the Regiment’ a romp rich with laughs and some of Donizetti’s best music

    The ultimate star of the show, though, is Oropesa, an American soprano who is making her Lyric debut. An innate physical comedian with a comfortable, compelling stage presence, she is a complete natural as Marie.

    Oropesa has a supple, agile soprano voice, with a winningly honest and direct style. Seemingly unfazed by the vocal or physical demands of this role, this indefatigable singer handles its legendary coloratura with eye-opening ease and aplomb. Expect to see Oropesa back as soon as Lyric can re-sign her.

    —  Kyle MacMillan  •  Chicago Sun Times

    Wiener Staatsoper - La traviata

    Sep, 2023 - Oct, 2023

    Violetta Valery

    „La Traviata“: Verdi, die Influencerin und zu viel Phlegma

    Bei Lisette Oropesa, Wiens gefeierter neuer Traviata, besitzt die Kantilene zwar auch einen dramatischen Unterton, ist aber noch nobler, geschmeidiger eingebunden in den Gesamtverlauf der wehmütigen Arie, die sie in makellos geflutetem Pianissimo abschließt.

    Man muss ein gehöriges Stück zurückblättern in den Annalen der Staatsoper, bis man auf eine Traviata von ähnlicher Souveränität stößt. Gewöhnlich teilen sich die Sopranistinnen bei dieser Partie ja in zwei Felder: Die einen können die Brillanz für den ersten Akt aufbringen, die anderen besitzen eher die Lyrismen und die jugendlich-dramatische Spannkraft für den Rest. Oropesa, hierzulande bereits als Konstanze, Gilda und Lucia bestens eingeführt, beeindruckt dagegen in allen drei Sparten, weiß aber alle technischen Fähigkeiten in Ausdruck zu verwandeln. Und das mit einem Timbre, in dem immer wieder Ähnlichkeiten mit Angela Gheorghiu und Ileana Cotrubas aufblitzen.

    —  Walter Weidringer  •  Die Presse
  • Violetta Valery

    [Report] Rome Opera House 2023 Japan performance “La Traviata” first day report

    On the opening day of La Traviata at the Roman Opera House, Lisette Oropesa, who played the heroine, showed the Japanese audience that she is the goddess of opera and the ultimate Violetta. She has a pretty appearance and looks great in Valentino's costumes, and even in the long aria of the first act, she did not lose her composure, and she did not hesitate to use her ultra-high notes to resonate bravely. Her emotional expression is rich, but the reason it never becomes tedious is probably because there is a mysterious mystique in her voice. There are singers who play this role in a verismo style and end up with a dull voice, but Oropesa's emotional expression is musical and elegant, and the high level that she aims for in her opera. No matter how much you listen to her, she has a voice that makes you want to hear more, and some of her sounds reminded me of golden-era Maria Callas recordings (even though her physique was completely different!) ). There is a faint classical elegance to it, and above all, the tragic nature of the story is conveyed in a very true manner.

    —  Hisae Odajima  •  NBS
  • Soprano

    ÁGUILAS / Lisette Oropesa y la maldición de la Princesa de Bouillon

    Para entonces y ya desde el bolero “¡Ay pobre Curro mío!” de Gounod con el que se abrió el recital, Oropesa se había metido en el bolsillo al respetable gracias a la capacidad comunicativa de su voz y de su manera de frasear. La voz es de un timbre seductor, con matices levemente oscuros en origen que adquieren brillo mediante una técnica de colocación y de proyección intachables, de manera que cuando sale, la voz tiene un temblor de emoción y una gama de colores que la hacen inconfundible. Con el sonido perfectamente cubierto en toda la gama, las transiciones entre registros prácticamente no existen, el sonido fluye con una naturalidad desarmante sin saltos ni cambios, plenamente audible en todo el espectro dinámico. Con tales herramientas técnicas a su servicio, Oropesa puede abordar con seguridad el terreno expresivo del fraseo que la ha encumbrado al podio mundial de la ópera.

    —  Andrés Moreno Mengíbar  •  Scherzo Magazine
  • Violetta Valery

    Sempre libera... e bella

    La seconda recita della Traviata areniana ha presentato un ottimo cast capitanato dal soprano americano Lisette Oropesa che aveva già fatto il suo debutto trionfale nell’opera verdiana riscuotendo un successo folgorante: non c’era alcun dubbio che lo avrebbe confermato. Sarebbe banale se non noioso descrivere le sue doti di cantante e attrice; Oropesa è nata per interpretare il mitico ruolo e “condannata” a portare il pubblico ad un felice delirio: e così è stato ieri sera. Il fisico perfetto per Violetta, la naturalezza disarmante d’attrice, la voce dal vibrato caratteristico ma ben timbrata e dotata di una lucentezza particolare, la tecnica impeccabile hanno riscosso un grande successo; numerose chiamate a scena aperta e espressioni infinite d’ammirazione per lo stupefacente soprano statunitense.

    —  Irina Sorokina  •  L'ape musicale
  • Lucie


    La distribution comprend à la fois des chanteurs français et pour les deux principaux protagonistes des artistes américains. Lisette Oropesa qui incarne Lucie s’est illustrée depuis un certain nombre d’années aussi bien dans les rôles de soprano léger comme Adina de L’Elixir d’Amour, Norina de Don Pasquale ou Marie de La Fille du régiment mais également dans des rôles de soprano lyrique comme Violetta de La Traviata ou Gilda de Rigoletto. Dotée d’un registre aigu très étendu qui lui permet de briller sur toutes les vocalises avec une virtuosité confondante, elle est ici l’interprète idéale de Lucie faisant valoir dans ce rôle un médium conséquent mais aussi une ampleur vocale dans le haut registre tout en ciselant à merveille ses vocalises. De surcroît l’interprète est complètement engagée dramatiquement et a obtenu, comme il fallait s’y attendre, un véritable triomphe après son air de la folie du 3ème acte. 

    —  Christian Jarniat  •  Résonances Lyriques
  • Juliette

    Soprano Lisette Oropesa and tenor Amitai Pati shine as the lovers of Savonlinna's Romeo and Juliet

    The biggest star of the production is the soprano Lisette Oropesa , whose interpretation of the young Julia is not only amazing vocal art, but also fresh stage work, which depicts a young person in love first brightly, then in darker tones when things in love start to go seriously wrong.

    —  Samuli Tiikkaja HS  •  Helsingin Sanomat
  • Soprano

    Lisette Oropesa toi hurmaavan tunnelatauksen Espanjasta

    This deep dive to songs influenced by Spain fits very well to the image of Lisette Oropesa’s artistry. Spanish is her native language and French is her preferred singing language. The quickly changing, dramatic, moods of the music also fit to Oropesa’s quickly reacting personality and expression.

    Her voice transforms from dark, colorful low register to very high notes. A lot can happen during one long voice. Oropesa plays with the shades of the music, she stretches time and highlights the text so that it touches your soul.

    Dark emotions, pure joy and playfulness, heart-wrenching pain, and longing – Oropesa’s singing gave room for all of the emotions and they came across easily, naturally and masterfully. Everything seems to be easy and natural for this soprano.

    —  Riitta-Leena Lempinen-Vesa  •  Itä-Savo
  • Soprano

    The Met Chorus shines radiantly in music of loss at Carnegie Hall

    Oropesa’s “Ihr habt nun Traurigkeit.” ... she sang with a touch of rubato, her lines opening up and gliding above the orchestra. There was a feeling of joy in her singing.

    —  George Grella  •  New York Classical Review

    Teatro Real - Il turco in Italia

    May, 2023 - Jun, 2023


    Lisette Oropesa protagoniza "Il turco in Italia" de Rossini en el Teatro Real

    la apoteósica - no sabría definirla de otra manera - Fiorilla de Lisette Oropesa, quien hizo y deshizo en lo vocal. No brilló tanto en la página de salida Non si dà follia maggiore, quiza a merced de la edición crítica por encima de tradiciones interpretativas... pero, su voz se desplegó en frescura, luminosidad y con ese carácter efervescente del personaje en el dúo con su marido Per piacere alla signora, así como en el terceto - que deriva en dúo - del segundo acto, Scusate... Trovarvi sola... Credete allefemmine. Y, por su puesto, en su aria final, donde volvió a poner en juego variaciones medidas, sutiles, agudo descollante, no tanto el de cierre, con un timbre centelleante, de bello vibrato y derrochando comedia, salpicada del justo patetismo para intentar entender el por qué de su arrepentimiento.

    —  Gonzalo Lahoz  •  Platea Magazine


    Una Lucia gotica alla Scala

    Dalla sua ha Lisette Oropesa, interprete ideale di Lucia, per vocalità duttile e partecipazione attoriale sorvegliatissima. Ora sognante, ora dolente, ora smarrita fino alla scena madre finale con l'abito da sposa lordo di sangue.

    —  Stefano Jacini  •  Giornale della Musica

    Opera National de Paris - Hamlet

    Feb, 2023 - Mar, 2023


    Hamlet à Bastille : être ou avoir été, telle est la question

    Avec toutes ces funestes méprises, la voix que Lisette Oropesa offre à Ophélie semble d'autant plus pure, d'articulation, de timbre. Pourtant sa ligne de chant est riche d'un médium nourri et sa prononciation du français appliquée, comme ses coloratures. Son immense longueur de souffle lui permet d'enchaîner plusieurs phrases de vocalises (même si l'aigu n'est pas des plus opulents). Son chant paraît de ce fait d'autant plus clair et cristallin au moment fatidique où Hamlet la chasse vers un cloître (vers la mort en fait). Mais même le timbre éclatant, comme du verre, sait replonger dans le grave, comme tombant "à genoux" (la manière par laquelle Hamlet lui avait juré son amour).

    —  Charles Arden  •  Olyrix
  • Soprano

    Mozart füllt Säle und die Riesenbühne

    Lisette Oropesa bescherte etwas fülligere Belcanto-Brillanz

    —  Florian Oberhummer  •  Salzburger Nachrichten
  • Amalia

    "I Masnadieri" im Nationaltheater: Weiblich neu

    Lisette Oropesa überraschend viele Wesenszüge von Verdis späteren Frauenrollen: Sie bindet in den Cavatinen und Cabalettas die Spitzentöne zwar makellos pianissimo in die Linie ein.

    Doch ihr Legato ist unter der zart lebendigen Oberfläche sehnig gestützt, die Melodien hält sie entschlossen fest und spannt sie in der Staatsoper zu enorm tragfähigen Bögen auf. Und Lisette Oropesas düstere Tiefe lässt an die Dramatik der Lady Macbeth denken, die wenige Monate vor den "Masnadieri" das Licht der Welt erblickt hatte.

    —  Michael Bastian Weiß  •  Abendzeitung München



  • Soprano

    Standing ovation per Lisette Oropesa a Ravello.

    È stato il debutto di Lisette Oropesa a chiudere la lunga stagione di programmazione della Fondazione Ravello. Tre bis e tanti applausi per uno dei più importanti soprani di oggi, acclamata sui palcoscenici dei più grandi teatri del mondo.

    La Oropesa, accompagnata all’Auditorium Oscar Niemeyer dalla Nuova Orchestra Scarlatti, particolarmente ispirata, diretta da Fabrizio Maria Carminati ha dato sfoggia di tutto il suo talento interpretando sette gemme del suo repertorio: Fiorilla, Giulietta, Hélene, Isabelle, Musetta e Manon.

    —  Gazzetta di Salerno  •  Gazzetta di Salerno
  • Soprano

    Lisette Oropesa, como un torrente

    Quizás la estupenda sintonía y colaboración que existe entre estos dos teatros propició la cita, que quedará siempre en nuestro recuerdo como un acontecimiento extraordinario de belleza vocal, expresividad y entusiasmo melódico. Su voz antes ligera ahora ya con un toque lírico considerable, se ha curtido en los mejores escenarios del mundo con especial facilidad para la coloratura y afrontando papeles de enorme envergadura y dificultad. Pero aquí vino defendiendo un programa todo en español, a fuerza de canciones y romanzas de zarzuela de uno y otro lado del Atlántico, llevando sus orígenes cubanos y su pasión española al límite en un recital sin precedentes.

    —  Juan José Roldán  •  El Correo
  • Soprano

    Lisette Oropesa, el cóctel (de zarzuela) perfecto: sí, ella es Cecilia Valdés

    Y claro, como hemos dicho, llegó la traca final: Yo soy Cecilia Valdés. ¡Y tanto que ella ‘es’ la protagonista de esta zarzuela cubana! Lo disfrutó en el escenario del Teatro de La Zarzuela pero, sobre todo, nos lo hizo disfrutar a nosotros en el patio de butacas. Sensual, coqueta, divertida, canalla, tímida…, todo esto porque ella, efectivamente, ¡ella es Cecila Valdés! Luego, las generosas propinas, el apoteosis y el delirio de los fans.

    —  Nacho Fresno  •  Shangay
  • Theodora

    A starry cast for Handel's Theodora in Paris

    In the title role, Lisette Oropesa offered a straightforward sincerity and innocence. Oropesa’s voice is a perfect fit for the character, pure and unforced but with enough fullness to bloom in Handel’s long legato lines. As always, her vocal technique was a marvel, with perfectly integrated registers and fluent command of Handelian ornamentation. Her Act 2 prison scene was the highlight of the evening, marrying endless lines of pearly sound with disarming sincerity. As her lover Didymus, the young French countertenor Paul-Antoine Bénos-Djian sang with a beautiful, rich tone and excellent coloratura, particularly in his opening aria. His plummy sound, though, wasn’t ideally matched with Oropesa’s silvery purity in the final duet, and his English suffered in comparison to his Anglophone cast-mates.

    —  Kevin W Ng  •  Bachtrack
  • Theodora

    Handel con Theodora infiamma la Scala

    Theodora era Lisette Oropesa, voce con un vibrato stretto, sfrutta le caratteristiche del suo timbro posando a una Santa perennemente sul malinconico fisso, in estasi, dai pochi colori vocali, agìta sul volto la stilizzata recitazione. Nell’aria Fond flatt’ring world, gioca la carta del patetico, con suoni filati, in Angels, ever bright si fa astratta preghiera, mentre trova accenti accorati e “plaintive” nella più bella tra le arie della Theodora, quel With darkness deep che Handel addirittura riscrisse…Coro omogeneo e scattante, capace di smorzare e rendere percepibile la sublimazione della preghiera finale.

    —  Brescia e Armisano  •  Corriere Dello Spettacolo
  • Theodora

    WIEN / Theater an der Wien: THEODORA

    Lisette Oropesa, schwarze Locken, grau-silbriges Abendkleid, sang die Titelrolle. Sie hat mit ihrem Strahle-Sorpan als Konstanze in der Wiener Staatoper die Herzen des Publikums im Sturm erobert. Hier muss sie die „Tugendboldin“ (wie man Händels Heldin bezeichnet hat) interessant machen. Sie tut es so weit wie möglich mit Stimme, Technik und lebhaftem Minenspiel, dessen sich auch alle anderen Sänger bedienen: Wenn man das Ganze schon nicht spielen darf (das Programmheft kündigt allerdings eine szenische Aufführung mit dieser Besetzung irgendwann irgendwo an), dann muss man doch wenigstens zeigen, wie man fühlt und leidet. Leidet vor allem, denn Theodora wird verfolgt, soll zur Prostitution gezwungen werden, will das Opfer des Didymus, der sie retten möchte, nicht annehmen… kurz, selbst wenn man den englischen Text nicht mitliest, weiß man doch nach der Inhaltsangabe worum es geht. Tragisch.

    —  Renate Wagner  •  Online Merker

    Royal Opera House - La traviata

    Oct, 2021 - Nov, 2021

    Violetta Valery

    La Traviata review – Oropesa and Avetisyan are exceptional in impassioned Verdi

    As with her Gilda, Oropesa welds sound with sense to create a characterisation of great depth and subtlety. Vocally, Violetta holds no terrors for her: the reckless coloratura of Act I is admirably secure and capped with a dazzling high E flat; the lyricism with which she yields to the moral demands of Christian Gerhaher’s Germont is at once heartbreaking and exquisite; and the emotional and physical anguish of the final scenes are all the more powerful for being etched with such unsentimental restraint. Suggesting fragile beauty on stage, she realises the breathlessness of tuberculosis – and, tellingly, the panic that accompanies it – with unsparing vividness, and throughout we really do believe in the intensity of her feelings for Alfredo and their power to transform and overwhelm her.

    —  Tim Ashley  •  The Guardian
  • Soprano

    In salotto con Verdi (Festival Verdi 2021)

    Il grande successo della serata è merito senza dubbio dei due protagonisti: il Maestro Francesco Izzo al pianoforte e Lisette Oropesa, stella ormai affermatasi nel panorama lirico mondiale.

    Il soprano, originario della Louisiana, in un bellissimo ed elegante abito da sera nero, che ne valorizza la figura longilinea, si posiziona al proscenio e intona i primi versi dei brani di apertura del concerto (arie di Saverio Mercadante); il pubblico rimane da subito affascinato dalla purezza e dalla morbidezza di una voce immacolata, luminosa e che si espande facilmente in sala.

    —  Marco Faverzani  •  Opera Libera

    Royal Opera House - Rigoletto

    Aug, 2021 - Sep, 2021


    Rigoletto, Royal Opera review - routine clouds the best in this season opener

    Charismatic, though, he isn’t. Lisette Oropesa doesn’t have a huge amount to go on as the silly girl who loves her rapist to the end, but her lyric soprano – fuller than usual in this role – is engaged in a fascinatingly different “Caro nome” from the coloratura.

    —  David Nice  •  The Arts Desk


    Martina Franca, Festival of the Valle d'Itria 2021 - Recital by Lisette Oropesa

    Oropesa ha esibito una bella incisività nel recitativo, eseguendo poi con perfetta musicalità e un suono dolce e vibrante l’aria, prima della funambolica cabaletta dove la precisione dei trilli era sostenuta da un eccezionale controllo del fiato e si accompagnava sempre a una ragione espressiva. Notevolissima poi nell’articolazione della frase, nitida e priva di qualsivoglia artificio, nell’intensa pateticità di “Adieu, notre petite table” da Manon di Massenet.

    —  Fabio Larovere  •  Conessi all'Opera

    Violetta Valery

    Un/altra Traviata nel vuoto del teatro

    La complessita della protagonista viene esaltata dal canto recitato di Lisette Oropesa

    Lisette Oropesa, statunitense di origini cubane, é una Violetta da manuale: recita con il canto. Le sfaccettature di un personaggio complesso prendono vita momento per momento.

    —  Dino Villatico  •  Il Manifesto
  • Soprano


    Digámoslo cuanto antes: el recital ha sido un éxito sin paliativos. Uno, que no es amigo de este formato, no recuerda en los últimos años una cantante con la calidad vocal de Oropesa en recital alguno. La voz es de bello color, uniformidad en todos los registros –aunque algo matizado en la zona más grave, lo que parece natural- un fraseo de calidad y una implicación con el texto digna de aplauso.

    Además, técnicamente Oropesa nos ofreció detalles de alta calidad, de esos que están destinados para disfrutar casi en la intimidad. Por poner solo dos ejemplos, el trino final de la segunda pieza de Mercadante, La primavera, está alcance de pocas; y en la segunda parte, en la operística, toda la escena final de La sonnambula de Bellini fue un ejemplo de buen decir, de implicación con el personaje y de generosidad con el público pues la soprano incluyó el recitativo, muy sentido, el aria y la cabaletta final.

    —  Enrique Bert  •  Platea Magazine



    Violetta Valery

    Brava Oropesa!

    Lugar y fecha: Gran Teatre del Liceu (15/XII/2020) Seductora y carismática, así fue la Violetta Valéry de la estadounidense Lisette Oropesa, éxito personal y ovación en el Liceu. Recuperadas las funciones de La Traviata tras ampliar el tope de 500 espectadores a 1.000, faltaba disfrutar de la tercera de las cuatro Violetta en discordia, vistas ya Kristina Mkhitaryan y Pretty Yende, y a falta de Ermonela Jaho en la última función. Lisette, la más ligera, sorprendió, pues más allá de un primer acto brillante, donde desplegó su instrumento a piacere, Mi bemol al nal del “Sempre libera!” , agudos fáciles, luminosos y timbrados, creció con el desarrollo de la partitura. En su dúo con Germont padre coloreó, buscó expresión y matices, siempre sul ato, con un fraseo detallado, articulando cada frase con una escuela belcantista de primera. En su aria nal “Addio del passato” , la más aplaudida, controló el vibrato, aportó drama y acabó con un pianissimo volátil inolvidable. Brava la Oropesa!

    —  Jordi Maddaleno  •  La Vanguardia
  • Soprano

    La Scala’s online gala is a triumph

    Donizetti’s Lucia di Lammermoor is usually found in gloomy Scotland, not paddling on a sun-soaked beach, but the brilliant-voiced Lisette Oropesa thrived there anyway.

    —  Richard Fairman  •  Financial Times
  • Konstanze

    "Entführung aus dem Serail“ an der Staatsoper: Wütende Buhs, ephorische Bravos

    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozarts Singspiel „Die Entführung aus dem Serail“in der legendären Regie von Hans Neuenfels mit einer grandiosen Lisette Oropesa „Entführung“

    Die amerikanische Sopranistin ist eine Konstanze von Weltformat, verfügt über alle nötigen Koloraturen, Lyrismen und Registerübergänge und gestaltet nicht nur die berühmte „Martern-Arie“ mit einer unglaublichen stimmlichen Intensität. 

    —  Peter Jarolin  •  Kurier
  • Soprano

    The Royal Opera: Live in Concert review — Antonio Pappano had brilliant energy

    The American soprano Lisette Oropesa partnered Castronovo in a Donizetti duet, but her slinky Manon (the gavotte from Massenet’s opera) and affecting Amina (the finale of La Sonnambula) were more memorable.

    —  Neil Fisher  •  The Times
  • Soprano

    Il Rossini Gala dell’Arena di Verona

    Excellent interpretations by all the interpreters involved.Lisette Oropesa confirms herself as a singer perfectly at ease in the bel canto repertoire, as well as able to immerse herself in the different characters she has to face in a few minutes, although so different from each other (Semiramide and Rosina in the Barbiere in the first part of the concert).

    —  blogartpost  •  The.blogartpost
  • Violetta Valery

    Llegó Lisette Oropesa y ‘dio el canto’ en ‘La Traviata’ (y el Teatro Real se vino abajo)

    Now, in the final stretch, Lisette Oropesa arrives.You have to go see it, and especially to listen to it.Even if it is only for the few seconds in which her Amami Alfredo transports us to the great ones that we all have engraved in our brain, which is the best hard drive that can exist.

    It is true that we are in need of beautiful things.And it is no less true that the Oropesa gives us the ear.When we still remember his Lucia from two years ago (and his Gilda del Rigoletto from 2015), now comes his Violetta, which enshrines her in the Real: from chaste diva, chaste goddess, to absolute diva.But with the closeness that the divas of the 21st century require.Her elegance on stage, in addition, adds many points.

    El Real, we insist, is at fifty percent capacity for health reasons.Those who were on July 18 filled all the gaps with applause;a welcome that makes history.The shadow of the encore flew over the room after his sublime Addio del passato of the final act.Just as the illusion that he would come out to be applauded behind the curtain that closed the first one also flew overhead.As before, as could be done when the voice prevailed.

    —  Nacho Fresno  •  Shangay
  • Soprano

    The Top 5 Moments From the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino’s At Home Gala

    In an outstanding rendition of Douglass Moore’s aria “Willow,” Oropesa offered audiences a refined and moving performance filled with crystal clear high notes, all sung a capella.

    While the performance was pre-recorded, Oropesa also recited the text for Italian audiences in a beautiful and moving reading.

    —  Francisco Salazar  •  Opera Wire
  • Soprano

    The Met At-Home Gala review: a galaxy of opera stars 'phone in' for a glitchy but uplifting concert

    at the soprano end of the scale, Lisette Oropesa twittered very prettily through En vain j’espère from Meyerbeer’s Robert le Diable.

    —  Rupert Christiansen  •  The Telegraph

    Metropolitan Opera - La Traviata

    Feb, 2020 - Mar, 2020

    Violetta Valery

    Oropesa is an unforgettable Violetta in Met’s “Traviata” revival

    There’s a melancholy feeling that very occasionally accompanies the greatest performances. Tangled up in the thrill of witnessing a historic interpretation of an iconic work comes the sad realization that you may never encounter its equal.

    The Metropolitan Opera has seen a number of superb sopranos appear as Violetta Valéry in the past decade: Diana Damrau, Natalie Dessay, Sonya Yoncheva, and Angelina Gheorghiu are just a handful of the most recent leading artists to make a mark in La Traviata’s touchstone role.

    The sensational performance that Lisette Oropesa gave on Wednesday night in her role debut at the Met deserves to be counted in the very first rank.

    Oropesa brings a voice ideally suited to the role: direct and lively, bright yet round, so focused you can almost see it as it pierces through the air of the auditorium and slams into the back wall. Yet even with its power and laser clarity, her soprano never feels aggressive, as she wields her instrument with musical sensitivity and classic elegance.

    —  Eric C. Simpson  •  New York Classical Review
  • Rosina

    Jeunes et prometteurs

     Appréciée du public parisien depuis sa Marguerite de Valois dans Les Huguenots à l’automne 2018, Lisette Oropesa compose une Rosine en tout point captivante. La jeune soprano ne manque ni de piquant ni de charme. La voix est brillante, l’aigu aisé, les vocalises sont parfaitement exécutées et la ligne de chant ornementée avec subtilité. Actrice accomplie, elle évolue comme un poisson dans l’eau dans l’univers imaginé par Michieletto. 

    —  Christian Peter  •  Forum Opera
  • Soprano

    Gstaad in majesty

    One of the highlights of the 2019-2020 edition of the Gstaad New Year Music Festival was the recital of the American soprano Lisette Oropesa.In rehearsal in Paris for Le Barbier de Seville, the singer did not hesitate to make a quick return trip to Gstaad, despite the strikes in France and their batch of trains canceled, to offer a memorable evening.The program was particularly varied and eclectic, alternating opera arias and lieder, in four different languages.Unmistakable charisma, clear and luminous voice, ample and majestic, healthy and homogeneous over the whole range, with brilliant treble and perfectly assured vocalizations, Lisette Oropesa has everything to make a good career, and besides the biggest scenes are l 'tear.In Gstaad, she was especially able to highlight her musicality, her impeccable diction,whatever the language sung, and its sense of expressiveness, playing on each word, each sentence, each inflection of the score, whether in melancholy and sad compositions or in flamboyant and brilliant pages.She was accompanied on the piano with finesse and tact by Natalia Morozova, a follower of Gstaad since she has been performing there for ten years.

    —  Claudio Poloni  •  Concerto Net


  • Ophélie

    WCO’s superlative casting lights a fire amid the gloom of Thomas’s “Hamlet”

    Exemplary in this demanding coloratura role was soprano Lisette Oropesa, whose voice seems to grow richer and more refined with each appearance. She has sung the role on stage before, and the sense of a specialist’s knowledge came through from her love duet in Act I and Act II scene onward.

    Oropesa’s coloratura exploits, especially in the show-stopping mad scene that encompasses all of Act IV, revealed consummate control and grace. Incendiary high notes floated, chromatic runs slid downward with clarity, and trills glimmered. Particularly convincing were the runs that rocketed upward, ending abruptly as high as the E off the staff, incarnating the character’s mad outbursts.

    —  Charles T. Downey  •  Washington Classical Review
  • Soprano

    Review: Richard Tucker Gala 2019

    This year’s award winner was Lisette Oropesa, who just one day earlier was essaying “Manon” Live in HD at the Metropolitan Opera. Oropesa’s career has been on the rise for quite some time with the soprano conquering Europe in recent years and now doing much the same on this side of the Atlantic.

    Oropesa opened the night offering an aria from Rossini’s “Tancredi.” The aria “Come dolce all’alma mia” features difficult coloratura runs and a chance to show off a soprano’s virtuosic powers and high notes. It is light and playful but it ultimately doesn’t create the impact that other Rossini arias do, particularly for an opening number of a gala. Oropesa sang the aria with delicacy and a fluid coloratura line that showed her mastery of the vocal style. But it wasn’t really the best display of Oropesa’s powers nor what she could ultimately do with her lyrical voice.

    She left that for the middle of the program in her “Qui la Voce…Vien diletto” from “I Purtiani.” Here Oropesa started the opening phrase with a piano sound that continuously grew in form and shape with each repetition of “Rendetemi la speme.” The voice grew in size and in expression, showing Elvira’s increasingly agitated state. As the phrase rose to a high note so did Oropesa’s sound, and she eventually descrescendoed to a mere piano that created a haunting effect.

    In the cabaletta, the soprano sang with precision and exciting tempi. One particularly exciting moment was the phrases “Vien, o caro, all’amore” as she drove the tempo forward during the roulades, creating an unpredictability and excitement that one rarely hears in this aria. During the repetition, Oropesa opted for the “less is more” philosophy with her ornaments. There were sparkling high notes and interpolations that resounded and showed off the soprano’s glittering top register. But ultimately Oropesa was holding off for the final E flat that was effective and resounded throughout the hall. One thing to take note was that Oropesa also chose to sing through the whole Cabaletta instead of doing the traditional cuts in galas; this really allowed the soprano a chance to show different shades of colors.

    Her final showcase was in the sextet of “Lucia di Lammermoor.” Here the ensemble decided to perform from the beginning of the second act scene allowing the performers to showcase their acting abilities. Oropesa got to bring her chemistry with baritone Artur Rucinski, creating a tense moment as she was forced to sign a marriage contract; they were so immersed in the agitation of the moment that the pen flew out of his hands at one point. They showcased raw emotions in their actions and in the famed sextet, it was all about the passionate music. Rucinski and Oropesa’s powerful voices particularly stood out in the ensemble and her final C sharp was impeccable and a great way to cap off the evening.

    —  David Salazar  •  Opera Wire

    Metropolitan Opera - Manon

    Sep, 2019 - Oct, 2019

    Manon Lescaut

    Metropolitan Opera 2019-20 Review: Manon

    Speaking of Lisette Oropesa, she had a major success in her first Met “Manon.” The title role is a mammoth undertaking and has proven a touchstone role for many famed divas of the past. Moreover, Pelly’s production requires a singer who can also dominate as an actress, navigating the complex world that the director created for the opera and character.

    There is no denying Oropesa’s vocal purity and assurance and she wove an elegant legato line throughout “Je suis encore tout étourdie,” with the high A naturals at the apex of main melody statement gleaming. It was one of the few times where the speedier tempi worked well with Oropesa’s fierce coloratura, the unpronounced rallentandoes, and even the breezy take on the sixteenth note descents on “Pardonez à mon bavardage” allowing for a portrayal of Manon as a hurricane of energy ready to be unleashed.

    —  David Salazar  •  Opera Wire
  • Soprano

    Uma grande cantora passou pelo Rio

    O melhor da noite ainda estava por vir, e a sequência que encerrou o programa oficial, com a ária Qui la voce e a cabaletta Vien diletto, do segundo ato da ópera I Puritani, de Bellini, recebeu de Oropesa uma interpretação arrebatadora: se a ária foi extremamente musical, a cabaletta foi de arrepiar, com uma demonstração exuberante de agilidade e domínio técnico. Era evidente que estávamos todos diante de uma grande cantora.

    —  Leonardo Marques  •  Movimento

    Arena di Verona - La traviata

    Jul, 2019 - Aug, 2019

    Violetta Valery

    La Traviata des mythes

    Lisette Oropesa était Violetta, un rôle qu’elle chanta il y a quelques années et qu’elle a interprété l’espace d’un soir à Athènes quelques jours avant, histoire de se le remettre en voix. Ce qui étonne toujours chez Oropesa et qui ravit, c’est d’abord son phrasé italien quasi parfait, son sens de la couleur, l’impeccable contrôle de la voix et la tenue du souffle. On lui a reproché quelquefois une sorte de supériorité de la technique sur l’émotion ; on a au contraire ici l’union d’une technique impeccable et le sens donné à chaque mot, le poids de l’expression (quel deuxième acte ! quelle intensité dans amami Alfredo !) et l’intériorité, un mot étrange dans une représentation devant 15000 personnes, où elle est une petite tache blanche sur l’immensité de la scène. Lisette Oropesa, aux origines cubaines, a une évidente familiarité avec un phrasé latin, et une vraie sensibilité, outre une technique de fer acquise dans la formation américaine. C’est d’emblée une Violetta avec laquelle il va falloir compter, car m’est avis qu’elle va les multiplier. Son Addio del passato est exemplaire, et même sa lecture de la lettre, si claire. Et en plus elle a les notes qu’il faut, dans les agilités (ses gioir du premier acte) comme dans les moments plus lyriques du deuxième (dite alla giovine bouleversant et sans doute aussi décuplé par l’émotion distillée par son partenaire Domingo).

    —  Guy Cherqui  •  Wanderer
  • Violetta Valery

    The triumph of a "Traviata" of smart choices and great protagonists

    Born to the romantic bell-cadet, the 36-year-old lyricist demonstrated her great class: her medium-sized, well-placed, luminous voice - obviously more suited to her more moving last two acts than to her crafty requirements - her huge Roman amphitheater, her aesthetic and the good taste of her song (trillions, ornamentations) constantly reminded the early Verdi's Bell-Candid debts, the stage presence was ethereal, emotional and emotional j with correct passion doses. Athens was lucky enough to enjoy - and rightly so! - a singer who has all the backgrounds (youth, beauty, voice, stage displacement) to shine worldwide in the role of tragic partner!

    —  Eutychios D. Choriatakis  •  Athinorama
  • Amalia

    Les Brigands de Verdi en haut de l’échelle : La Scala triomphe à Savonlinna

    Lisette Oropesa s’attaque au rôle à l’origine conçu pour Jenny Lind (dont le bicentenaire sera sans doute commémoré l’année prochaine en Suède). Ce seul personnage féminin se révèle le plus attentionné de tous. L’Amalia d’Oropesa n’a pas que le cœur sur la main, mais également sa respiration et ses palpitations, qui deviennent pratiquement physiques d’une manière qui évoque le souffle audible d’une Violetta ou d’une Gilda. Oropesa sait profiter au maximum de l’écriture vocale : plus ses coloratures et ses sauts impeccables entre les registres montent vers les niveaux stratosphériques, plus son timbre chaleureux et teinté de mélancolie gagne en beauté et en sûreté. Lorsqu'elle apprend que Carlo est en vie, elle effectue un changement soudain d'intention, touchant à la folie, qui offre un instant irrésistible. Les spectateurs ravis s’unissent pour la récompenser, elle, ses collègues et tout l’orchestre (qui vient sur le plateau), d'une ovation debout.

    —  Andreas Wahlberg  •  Olyrix

    Teatro alla Scala - I Masnadieri

    May, 2019 - Jul, 2019


    Milano - Teatro alla Scala: I masnadieri

    Chi ha invece messo tutti d’accordo è stata la prestazione di Lisette Oropesa, una straordinaria Amalia, salutata da scroscianti applausi già alla fine della cabaletta “Carlo vive?...O caro accento” e da un’ovazione finale. Soprano dal timbro delicato, dall’emissione controllata, tutta sul fiato, che le consente di legare i registri con una musicalità rara. Colorature leggere, con picchiettati, scale, volatine e trilli di alta scuola. Ed interprete che mette in luce i lati più nascosti di una fanciulla innamorata e soggetta alla rabbiosa e ottusa mascolinità dei Moor. La cavatina “Lo sguardo avea degli angeli” è intrisa di tenerezza, di rimpianti per la felicità perduta, di estasi soave e rarefatta. L’innocenza trasfusa in un canto trasfigurato e consolatorio la vede protagonista nel duettino e nel quartetto del finale primo. Commovente e patetica, morbida ed espressiva nell’aria “Tu del mio Carlo” ma altrettanto brava nel mostrare entusiasmo e brio nella difficile cabaletta citata sopra, dove un prolungato trillo sul Sol acuto è stato poi suggellato da una scalata al Do di pregnante efficacia. Ma efficace è stata anche in tutti i concertati, in cui è svettata per penetranza e luminosità. Nel duetto con Francesco ha sottolineato la ripugnanza, il disprezzo e il furore verso il demoniaco fratello di Carlo, mentre con l’innamorato si è lasciata andare ad un’entusiastica esplosione di gioia, ma anche ad una delicatissima, brillante e saltellante stretta conclusiva. L’attrice è stata poi in grado di tener testa agli aggressivi masnadieri, nonché stoica nel consegnare la sciabola a Carlo perché l’uccidesse nel grandioso finale d’opera.

    —  Ugo Malasoma  •  Opera Click

    Pittsburgh Opera - Don Pasquale

    Apr, 2019 - May, 2019


    Review: Pittsburgh Opera revisits silent Hollywood in waggish season finale production

    There are some voices in opera that are so sublimely expressive that they stand out like a Michelangelo fresco in a black and white film. Pittsburgh Opera’s season finale production of Donizetti’s “Don Pasquale” features such a voice.

    Soprano Lisette Oropesa, no stranger to the Benedum Center stage, was recently granted the prestigious Richard Tucker Award, granted annually to an American singer on the precipice of a dazzling career. Her performance on Saturday showcased impeccable clarity of tone and articulation coupled with exquisite lyricism.

    Ms. Oropesa, for her part, was enchanting, moving swiftly from coquettish to incendiary as the plot to humble Pasquale coalesces. With her rising prestige confirmed by the Richard Tucker Award (other winners include Renee Fleming and Joyce DiDonato), Ms. Oropesa’s career is likely poised to blossom in the coming seasons.

    —  Jeremy Reynolds  •  Pittsburgh Post Gazette

    La Monnaie - Robert le Diable

    Mar, 2019 - Apr, 2019


    Oropesa steelt de show in Robert le Diable

    Alles wat deze Cubaans-Amerikaanse sopraan aanraakt, verandert in goud. In Amsterdam hoorde we haar eerder als een fenomenale Nannetta in Falstaff (De Nationale Opera) en Gilda in Rigoletto (De Nationale Opera en de NTR ZaterdagMatinee). Haar krachtige lyrische sopraan klonk als een warm bad.

    Oropesa’s eerste aria werd onthaald met langdurig applaus. Haar tweede aria, ‘Robert, toi que j’aime’ in de vierde akte, was een showstopper pur sang. Wat een prachtaria, en wat een prachtsopraan. Trillers, coloraturen, legatolijnen, dictie: alles klopt bij Oropesa. Hopelijk houdt ze het hoofd koel en weet ze zich te hoeden voor rollen die ze wijselijk moet afhouden. Dit is een stem die niet vaak voorkomt heden ten dage.

    —  Lennaert van Anken  •  Place de l'Opera


    Una 'Rodelinda' de lujo en el Liceu

    Un lujo, tanto como el que ofreció el impresionante y auspicio debut de Lisette Oropesa en el papel titular, quien impuso una voz de gran belleza y esmalte, dominio estilístico y sentido teatral, fascinando con las arias a su cargo y poderosa en el ornamento.

    —  Pablo Meléndez-Haddad  •  El Periódico




    Il «Rigoletto» di Gatti è un Verdi doc

    A questo punto, se Rigoletto smette di essere una palestra dove misurare atletismi e «canne» vocali, i cantanti devono essere valutati per quanto e come contribuiscano a un progetto interpretativo così rivoluzionario. In questo senso è perfetta la Gilda di Lisette Oropesa, che non solo canta benissimo sempre, ma riesce a trasformare «Caro nome» da grande aria della diva in un bellissimo, toccante soliloquio di una ragazzina innamorata.

    —  Alberto Mattioli  •  La Stampa
  • Adina (Elisir)

    Avec « L’Élixir d’Amour », l’Opéra Bastille déroule le tapis rouge à Gaetano Donizetti

    Le personnage d’Adina, riche et belle fermière, campé par Lisette Oropesa est pétillant à souhait. La soprano virevolte comme une elfe sur le plateau pleine de charme, de malice et fait des étincelles vocales dans le registre du belcanto.

    —  Jean-Christophe Mary  •  Putsch Media
  • Marguerite de Valois

    Des Huguenots intemporels ressuscitent à l’Opéra Bastille

    Au premier rang d’entre eux figure Lisette Oropesa (Marguerite en lieu et place de Diana Damrau), qui reçoit une véritable ovation lors des saluts finaux. « Je suis musicienne », nous confiait-elle dans l’interview qu’elle nous accordait il y a quelques jours. De fait, pour sa prise de rôle au pied levé, elle fascine le public par sa virtuosité. Sa voix pure et coquettement vibrée reste colorée. Accompagnée des vagues du violoncelle, les pieds dans l’eau, elle laisse écouler avec détachement les vocalises ciselées dans des flux et des reflux nuancés, jusqu’au sein d’un même souffle (les fameux messa di voce). Ses intenses pianissimi ou ses trilles projetés dans des envolées lyriques provoquent un feu d’artifice vocal brûlant tout sur son passage. Mutine et joueuse d’abord, il lui manque ensuite, lorsque le drame se noue sous ses yeux, l’autorité souveraine et la royale colère qui marqueraient plus nettement l’évolution du personnage.

    —  Damien Dutilleul  •  Olyrix
  • Gilda

    Verona: una “Trilogia popolare” ammantata di stelle

    Gilda è il soprano statunitense Lisetta Oropesa, reduce dal recente successo in Adina al Rossini Opera Festival, che stupisce per plasticità di modulazione e pulizia del fraseggio.

    —  Matteo Pozzato  •  Le Salon Musicale

    Rossini Opera Festival - Adina

    Jul, 2018 - Aug, 2018


    Pesaro: Adina pop ma voci rossiniane doc

    Svetta nel ruolo di Adina Lisette Oropesa, soprano di New Orleans (anche lei al debutto), che lavora con efficacia sulla coloratura, sulle dinamiche (notevoli un paio di raffinati “smorzando”) e in generale sulla caratterizzazione belcantistica, servita da un bel timbro seducente e nitido, controllato al meglio in ogni zona della tessitura.

    —  Cesare Galla  •  Le Salon Musicale
  • Soprano

    Il trillo di Lisette

    Sottile con il fisico da cui proviene sembra la voce di Lisette Oropesa, ma questo con questo filo l'artista sa tessere trine preziose, ricami e trasparenze, giocare in un'ampia gamma dinamica; scala caparbia le vette del pentagramma, e quando sembra che il suono possa essere un po' dritto e rischiare d'indurirsi, stupisce modulandolo con decisione. Così, ancora una volta non è un qualche arcano incanto timbrico o coloristico a colpire nell'astrazione del vocalizzo Le rossignol et la rose di Saint-Saëns, bensì, si direbbe, il suo contrario, un suono quasi prosciugato all'essenza e di lì condotto nelle volute della coloratura estetizzante del secondo Ottocento. Non trascendentale, affabile, piuttosto, fine, sciolta, duttile e sicura. Quando, poi, in chiusura di programma, torna al belcanto italiano con un omaggio a Rossini, la leggerezza fanciullesca si riarrotonda per offrire una piacevole, sognante Amenaide (“Come dolce all'alma mia”) e una Fiorilla (“Squallida veste e bruna”) debitamente ardita nei virtuosismi. Fra applausi calorosissimi, Juliette tornerà a dimostrare l'affinità del soprano con il repertorio francese e Violetta la sicurezza della preparazione anche in un cimento dei più insidiosi.

    —  Roberta Pedrotti  •  L'ape musicale

    Teatro Real - Lucia di Lammermoor

    May, 2018 - Jul, 2018


    El Real enloquece con la soprano Lisette Oropesa en una violenta Lucia de Lammermoor

    Oropesa cosechó, tanto tras la célebre escena de la locura (cuando se pasa 15 minutos cantando tras asesinar a su marido en la noche de bodas) como en los saludos finales una enorme ovación, bastante poco propia de los estrenos del Teatro Real, a menudo contenidos en entusiasmo, cuando no directamente fríos.

    Pero la soprano norteamericana probó su espléndido instrumento vocal, su control de la dinámica y su conexión con sus evidentes capacidades interpretativas, que en esta producción, especialmente oscura y violenta, la hacen aparecer con un camisón totalmente ensangrentado. Su éxito en el papel la precede gracias a teatros como la Royal Opera House de Londres, donde lo interpretó el año pasado.

    Oropesa estuvo al borde del bis, algo muy poco frecuente en cualquier teatro, también en el Real. Y éste parecía provocado por el entusiasta director musical, Daniel Oren, que aplaudía y animaba desde el coro.

    —  Daniel Basteiro  •  El Español

    LA Opera - Rigoletto

    Apr, 2018 - May, 2018


    BWW Review: RIGOLETTO at Dorothy Chandler Pavilion

    Lisette Oropesa was a truly magnificent Gilda. She portrayed her character's girlishness, innocence, and obsessive love. Her voice was clear and bell-like, especially above the staff. Her "Caro Nome" ("Dear name") was most impressive with its radiant, silvery tones and tasteful decoration. Amazingly, she finished the main part of her aria, climbed a long flight of stairs, and immediately began the trill that ends the scene. Twentieth century operagoers told tales of the legendary Erna Berger and her long trills. Twenty-first century patrons may have their own legend-in-the-making with Oropesa. She definitely is a singer to watch.

    —  Maria Nockin  •  Broadway World
  • Euridice

    BWW Review: ORPHEUS AND EURYDICE at Dorothy Chandler Pavilion

    Dressed in white with a billowing cape as the deceased Eurydice, Lisette Oropesa looked and moved like one of the dancers. Her sounds were liquid silver and she seemed to be an amazingly graceful creature from another world. She sang through a veil at times, but it never marred the focus of her sound. My only thought was that her part was too short.

    —  Maria Nockin  •  Broadway World
  • Soprano

    Lisette Oropesa sings at Tucson Desert Song Festival

    Leonard Bernstein’s 1949 “Two Love Songs” tell of a love that is stronger than life and can weld two souls together so that they sing a single melody. Oropesa’s butter cream tones were completely unified with Borowitz’s shimmering melodic strains. She finished the first half of the recital with an exquisite rendition of the “Vocalise” that Camille Saint-Saens wrote on a visit to Egypt in 1901. It is a wonderful text-free song that allows the coloratura to use some of her most intricate and difficult maneuvers. For Oropesa, it was a pièce de résistance.

    —  Maria Nockin  •  Opera Today

    Dew Fairy

    , Gretel

    hell’s kitchen

    Oropesa runs marathons and no doubt needed that stamina for the non-stop rigorous work-out Gretel gets in the third act. Her high sweet voice always struck just the right note of girlish delight and awe.

    —  Christopher Corwin  •  Parterre