Interview - Nius Diario (2021)
Lisette is interviewed in Nius Diario
Music by
Violetta Valery | Lisette Oropesa | |
Alfredo Germont | Saimir Pirgu | |
Giorgio Germont | Roberto Frontali | |
Flora Bervoix | Anastasia Boldyreva | |
Barón Duphol | Roberto Accurso | |
Annina | Angela Schisano | |
Marqués D' Obigny | Arturo Espinosa | |
Gastone | Rodrigo Ortiz | |
Doctor Grenvil | Andrii Ganchuk | |
Giuseppe | Michael Alfonsi | |
Servant | Leo Paul Chiarot | |
Commissioner | Francesco Luccioni |
After the extraordinary television and critical success of the film production of Il barbiere di Siviglia which last December inaugurated the 2020-2021 season of the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma, a new collaboration between the Lirico Romano and Rai Cultura: La traviata by Giuseppe Verdi . On the podium of the Orchestra of the Teatro dell'Opera in Rome, its musical director, maestro Daniele Gatti, while Mario Martone signs the direction and scenes of this new film-opera of the Verdi masterpiece based on Alexandre Dumas son's La Dame aux camélias .
It is the fourth new opera production produced by the Opera House since the beginning of the Covid emergency. The show will be recorded without an audience and broadcast in prime time on Rai 3 on April 9th.
Lisette is interviewed in Nius Diario
Lisette is interviewed by Opera Now Magazine for their May/June Cover
Lisette is interviewed in Il Messaggero about her upcoming film of La traviata from the Rome Opera.
Lisette is interviewed in the Corriere della Sera about her upcoming film of La traviata in Rome
Lisette is interviewed in La Repubblica ahead of her opening of La traviata at the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma
La complessita della protagonista viene esaltata dal canto recitato di Lisette Oropesa Lisette Oropesa, statunitense di origini cubane, é una Violetta da manuale: recita con il canto. Le sfaccettature di un personaggio complesso prendono vita momento per momento.The complexity of the protagonist is highlighted by the sung recitation of Lisette Oropesa Lisette Oropesa, an American of Cuban descent, is a textbook Violetta: she acts through singing. The facets of a complex character come to life moment by moment.— Dino Villatico • Il Manifesto
Violetta é interpretata in modo superbo dal soprano Lisette Oropesa che ha dato anima, voce e corpo questo film.Violetta is superbly portrayed by soprano Lisette Oropesa, who has given soul, voice, and body to this film.— Leonetta Bentivoglio • https://www.repubblica.it/
Violetta è interpretata in modo superbo dal soprano Lisette Oropesa che ha dato anima, voce e corpo questo film.Violetta is superbly portrayed by soprano Lisette Oropesa, who has given her soul, voice, and body to this film.— Simona Antonucci • Il Mattino
Ascoltare una tale sapienza nel tratteggiare il personaggio di Germont è una rarità che non pone comunque in ombra l’ammirazione per la Violetta di Lisette Oropesa. Canta bene, non forza mai l’emissione, che suona naturale, duttile, capace di esprimere una sincera partecipazione e un palpito personale anche nell’incalzare suggerito da Gatti. Anzi, proprio il fatto che non ci sia spazio per effetti e abitudini, che tutto si asciughi, pone in evidenza la fragilità iniziale, quella vibrazione nervosa che poi si fa sempre più intensa, consapevole, determinata e dolorosa anche nella recitazione, franca ed efficace. Alla frenesia degli eccessi segue il trasporto sincero senza artificio, mentre il trucco, le luci e la fotografia mettono bene in evidenza le espressioni del volto, tutt’uno col canto.Listening to such wisdom in sketching the character of Germont is a rarity, but in no way overshadows the admiration for Lisette Oropesa's Violetta. She sings well, never forcing her delivery, which sounds natural, flexible, capable of expressing sincere participation and a personal palpitation even when urged by Gatti. Indeed, the very fact that there is no room for effects and habits, that everything is distilled, highlights the initial fragility, that nervous vibration which then becomes increasingly intense, aware, determined and painful, also in the frank and effective acting. The frenzy of excesses is followed by sincere transport without artifice, while the makeup, lights, and photography effectively highlight the expressions on the face, which become one with the singing.— Roberta Pedrotti • L'ape musicale
Lisette Oropesa, statunitense diorigine cubana, é l’incarnazione di Violetta. Vocemagnifica, aderisce totalmente al personaggio, élibera di muoversi, di danzare. La sua Violetta é disperata, carnale, gigante. L’amante a cui dedica quell’“amami Alfredo”, che commuove fino alle lacrime chi ascolta.Lisette Oropesa, an American of Cuban origin, is the embodiment of Violetta. With her magnificent voice, she fully embraces the character, freely moving and dancing. Her Violetta is desperate, carnal, and larger than life. The lover to whom she dedicates that "love me, Alfredo," moves listeners to tears.— Fabiana Dallavalle • Messaggero Veneto
Lisette Oropesa tiene el phisique du rôle y viste perfectamente a su Violetta; su técnica vocal es inmaculada y, si se puede detectar en ella alguna ligera vacilación, ello es debido a las continuas repeticiones o interrupciones impuestas por el propio rodaje que obstaculiza el mantenimiento de la necesaria concentración. Fundamentalmente se trata de una soprano lírico-ligera que sin embargo consigue afrontar los momentos más dramáticos con una interpretación basada más en lo sutiles matices psicológicos que en los grandes efectos dramáticos.Lisette Oropesa possesses the ideal physique and fits perfectly into her role as Violetta; her vocal technique is immaculate, and if one can detect any slight hesitation in her performance, it is due to the continuous repetitions or interruptions imposed by the filming process, which hinders the maintenance of necessary concentration. Essentially, she is a lyric coloratura soprano who, nevertheless, manages to face the most dramatic moments with an interpretation based more on subtle psychological nuances than on grand dramatic effects.— Mauro Mariani • Opera Actual
Reste Lisette Oropesa. Nous suivons depuis très longtemps cette chanteuse éblouissante et de nouveau elle fascine par la facilité technique, par l’éclat d’une voix d’une fraicheur insolente sans aucune faille. Nous avions déjà admiré sa Violetta bien plus traditionnelle à Vérone. Dans cette production et avec cette direction elle est au rendez-vous en adaptant la manière de chanter à la vision du personnage. Son chant illumine toute la représentation : le premier acte éperdu et haletant, le deuxième désespéré, y compris musicalement car Gatti refuse de se complaire dans le lyrisme insistant mais plutôt le "précipité" (au sens chimique) du drame : elle est dépassée, presque empêchée de chanter « comme on l’attend » et c’est aussi déchirant. Les plus désespérés sont les chants les plus beaux2…Son troisième acte est absolument exemplaire dans son rôle de jeune femme massacrée par la vie, la voix a une fraicheur tragique, et du coup presque inutile – de cette voix cristalline il ne sortira que la mort et le désespoir. Elle sait aussi se plier à une nouvelle approche, moins démonstrative et plus « vécue », plus réaliste que d’habitude.Then there's Lisette Oropesa. We have been following this dazzling singer for a very long time, and once again, she captivates with her technical ease and the brilliance of a voice of brazen freshness without any flaws. We had already admired her much more traditional Violetta in Verona. In this production, and with this direction, she meets the expectations by adjusting her singing style to the vision of the character. Her singing enlightens the entire performance: the first act, frantic and breathless; the second, one of despair, including musically as Gatti refuses to indulge in insistent lyricism but rather focuses on the "precipitation" (in the chemical sense) of the drama: she is overwhelmed, almost prevented from singing "as expected," and this is also heart-wrenching. The most desperate songs are the most beautiful ones... Her third act is absolutely exemplary in her role as a young woman ravaged by life, her voice has a tragic freshness, and thus almost pointless—for from this crystalline voice, only death and despair will emerge. She also knows how to adapt to a new approach, less demonstrative and more "experienced," more realistic than usual.— Wanderer • Wanderer
Lisette has given 47 performances as Violetta Valery.