Music by
Enrico | George Petean | |
Lucia | Lisette Oropesa | |
Edgardo | Benjamin Bernheim | |
Arturo | Josh Lovell | |
Raimondo | Roberto Tagliavini | |
Alisa | Patricia Nolz | |
Normanno | Hiroshi Amako |
After her brilliant performance as Konstanze in Hans Neuenfels ' Abduction and her solo concerto, Lisette Oropesa's role debut as Lucia was eagerly awaited. A complete success. Like the Cuban-American at the beginning of “ …Ed ecco! ecco su quel margine…' startled by the ghostly appearance of the dead woman, already indicates how sensitive, filigree and highly endangered the young woman she portrays is. Her oath of love is highly credible, and the mad scene is touchingly dramatic. 20 gripping, varied minutes that are incredibly touching. Oropesa has been the most sought-after Lucia since her role debut in 2017 at the Royal Opera House London. The acting is unsurpassed and the singing is almost perfect. The coloraturas are supple and clear, her silvery-bright, modulation-capable soprano voice is paired with a secure technique and strong charisma.None— Manfred A. Schmid • Online Merker
Lisette Oropesa’s technique is astonishing and she was in absolute command of her beautiful silvery voice and the title role’s demanding coloratura. All her high E flats were hit dead centre and with impressive ease and the mechanics of singing was never on show and Oropesa brought a real sense of character to her dramatically realistic and triumphant portrayal of Lucia. There was a perfect arc from Lucia’s girlish glee and making of a snow angel in Act I to a nuanced, gripping, blood-spattered concluding ‘Mad Scene’ when Oropesa elicited tremendous sympathy for her plight. In short, Oropesa’s Lucia will not easily be surpassed.None— Jim Pritchard • Seen and Heard International
Oropesa gilt als die derzeit führende Interpretin der berühmten Donizetti-Partie. Und es wird einem schnell bewusst, warum das so ist. Die Koloraturen der Partie gelingen ihr vorzüglich, die Stimme ist enorm flexibel, schlank im Ton, und baut auf einem guten technischen Fundament auf. Zudem ist ihr Sopran enorm tragfähig und füllt die Wiener Oper mühelos. Es ist schon fast erstaunlich wie leicht und sicher sie sich durch die Partie singt. Dabei macht es ihr die statische Inszenierung wahrlich nicht leicht. Doch sie schafft es dennoch von der verliebten jungen Frau über die enttäuschte Geliebte bis hin zur verwirrten Seele das ganze Spektrum ihrer Partie deutlich herauszustellen. Ihre hervorragend gesungene und gestaltete Wahnsinnsszene ist natürlich der umjubelte Höhepunkt.Oropesa is considered the leading interpreter of the famous Donizetti role at present. It quickly becomes clear why this is the case. She executes the coloraturas of the role superbly, her voice is incredibly flexible, slender in tone, and build upon a strong technical foundation. Moreover, her soprano is enormously powerful and easily fills the Vienna Opera House. It's almost astonishing how lightly and confidently she sings through the role. The static staging certainly does not make it easy for her. Yet, she still manages to clearly bring out the entire spectrum of her role, from the infatuated young woman, through the disappointed lover to the confused soul. Her excellently sung and shaped madness scene is naturally the much-applauded highlight.— Lukas Link • Online Merker
La soprano cubano-estadounidense Lisette Oropesa asumió el papel en Londres en 2017 y desde entonces se ha consolidado como una de las mejores intérpretes, si no la mejor, de este papel, formidable tanto por su dificultad como por la resistencia vocal que requiere. Lisette Oropesa detalla brillantemente la compleja paleta emocional de esta joven golpeada por la muerte de su madre, que en realidad fue sólo el comienzo de un largo calvario acompañado de una deriva mental que la lleva a la locura.The Cuban-American soprano Lisette Oropesa took on the role in London in 2017 and has since established herself as one of the finest, if not the finest, performers of this role, formidable both for its difficulty and the vocal endurance it demands. Lisette Oropesa brilliantly details the complex emotional palette of this young woman struck by her mother’s death, which in fact was only the beginning of a long ordeal accompanied by a mental downfall that leads her to madness.— Luc Roger • Opera World
Lisette Oropesa, die sich vor positiver Energie sprudelnd gleich im ersten Akt gesanglich verausgabt, was die Palette ihrer hell timbrierten Stimmpotenz nur so hergibt, beeindruckt auch im 2. und 3. Akt mit ihrem mal larmoyant klingenden, dann wieder feinperlend belcantistisch anmutenden Sopran. Mit so viel Ausdauer, so viel vokaler Wucht, gepaart nur mit einer weiblichen Stentorkraft, die ihresgleichen sucht, gelingen Oropesa nicht nur sämtliche Koloraturen im Schlaf, sondern auch die mörderische Wahnsinns-Arie, die satte 20 Minuten vokalathletische Höchstleistungen abverlangt.Lisette Oropesa, who bursts with positive energy and goes all out vocally in the first act, exhausting the range of her brightly timbred vocal potency, impresses equally in the 2nd and 3rd act with her sometimes tearful sounding, then again finely pearl-like bel canto-like soprano. With so much endurance, so much vocal power, paired only with a feminine stentorian force that is unrivaled, Oropesa not only accomplishes all coloraturas in her sleep, but also the murderous mad scene aria, which demands a full 20 minutes of vocal athletic peak performance.— Nicole Hacke • Operaversum
Lisette Oropesa enfin. Le public viennois, ou ce qui en restait après quinze minutes (chronométrées !) d’applaudissements puis de standing ovations au bord de la fosse, l'a réclamée à cor et à cri pour lui dire toute sa gratitude à l’issue de ces quatre représentations. On le sait, elle est aujourd’hui l’une des plus belles titulaires de ce rôle. Si elle semble aussi crédible dans l’incarnation de Lucia, c’est qu’elle y est à la fois si forte et si fragile. Une belle idée de la mise en scène consiste à nous montrer dès le début du I sa fragilité, en figurant une jeune femme, presque adolescente, insouciante et sautillant dans la neige en s’ébrouant, jouant des flocons qui tombent et n’écoutant pas ce qu’Alisa lui rapporte. Entre cette ingénue inconsciente et la jeune mariée criminelle, ravagée par la folie, en fin de parcours, quel contraste ! Oropesa joue de sa voix comme la fillette des flocons. Elle est capable de la hisser jusqu’aux plus hautes sphères de la gamme, et d’y rester, de jouer avec les notes, de les rallonger et de se complaire en haute altitude. Le fil est léger, mais il tient. A cet égard, la faire marcher, pendant la scène de la folie, sur une rangée de chaises inexplicablement alignées devant le chœur, visualise parfaitement cette œuvre de funambule, en équilibre constant et toujours périlleux.Finally, Lisette Oropesa. The Vienna audience, or what remained of it after fifteen minutes (timed!) of applause and standing ovations at the edge of the pit, had clamored for her to express their gratitude at the end of these four performances. As we know, she's currently one of the finest performers in this role. If she seems so credible in embodying Lucia, it's because she's both so strong yet so fragile. A beautiful idea from the staging was showing her vulnerability right from the beginning of Act I, depicting a young, almost adolescent woman, carefree and hopping in the snow, shaking off, playing with the falling flakes and not listening to what Alisa is reporting. What a contrast between this innocent naive girl and the young bride turned criminal, ravaged by madness, at the end of her journey! Oropesa plays her voice like the little girl plays with the snowflakes. She's able to lift it to the highest spheres of the range, and stay there, play with the notes, elongate them and revel in high altitude. The string is light, but it holds. In this regard, making her walk, during the madness scene, on a row of mysteriously aligned chairs in front of the choir, perfectly visualizes this tightrope act, perpetually precarious and always balancing.— Thierry Verger • Forum Opera
Lisette has given 47 performances as Lucia.