New Release - I Puritani
I puritani has been released on the EuroArts label and is now available to listen!
Music by
Elvira | Lisette Oropesa | |
Lord Arturo Talbo | Larry Brownlee | |
Sir Riccardo Forth | Andrei Kymach | |
Sir Giorgio Valton | Roberto Tagliavini | |
Lord Gualtiero Valton | Vartan Gabrielian | |
Sir Bruno Roberton | Manase Latu | |
Enrichetta di Francia | Maria Warenberg |
In 17th-century England, just after the beheading of Charles I, the supporters of the republican Cromwell – the Puritans – are rejoicing at Elvira’s forthcoming marriage to Arturo, despite the fact that he is a royalist. But when the young Cavalier discovers the identity of the prisoner guarded by the Puritans, everything is turned upside down…
In his last opera, blending melancholy with fiery lyricism, Bellini delivers one of his loveliest female portraits in Elvira, who progresses from adolescent gaiety to madness before finally achieving happiness.
It is precisely through her eyes that Laurent Pelly approaches I Puritani. Locked in a sharp-edged castle-prison, Elvira draws us into the projections of her mental space: a warlike, masculine world where she struggles to live out her desires.
I puritani has been released on the EuroArts label and is now available to listen!
Son retour à l’acte II avec le « O rendetemi la speme » confirme son extraordinaire appropriation du rôle et la sensibilité avec laquelle elle livre ces airs magnifiques, s’appuyant sur son médium moelleux, dispensant de somptueux aigus piani filés. Elle assure ensuite crânement le « Vien, diletto, è in ciel la luna ! », en lien avec le chef qui joue des rythmes pour faire de l’air toute autre chose qu’un passage purement virtuose. Ses interventions finales parachèvent enfin le parcours de cette héroïne qu’elle a menée à bon port malgré les écueils, et a finalement transcendé, en alliant virtuosité et sensibilité, et en rendant hommage à la difficile, mais si belle, écriture bellinienne.Her return in Act II with the aria "O rendetemi la speme" confirms her extraordinary embodiment of the role and the sensitivity with which she delivers these magnificent arias, relying on her velvety middle range, providing sumptuous high piani filés. She then boldly performs "Vien, diletto, è in ciel la luna!" in connection with the conductor who plays with rhythms to make the aria something other than simply a virtuosic passage. Her final interventions finally crown the journey of this heroine whom she has brought safely home despite the obstacles, and has ultimately transcended, by combining virtuosity and sensitivity, and paying tribute to the challenging, yet beautiful, bel canto style of Bellini.— Paul Fourier • Cult.news
Aux applaudissements, c’est Lisette Oropesa qui emporte tous les suffrages : dès les premières phrases (si difficiles), elle impose une voix brillante et colorée, au medium charnu, capable de vocaliser avec précision et de pousser jusqu’à des suraigus puissants (elle ose même la variation assassine sur “Vieni al tempio!”).Amidst the applause, it's Lisette Oropesa who receives all the votes: from the very first phrases (so difficult), she impresses with a bright and colorful voice, with a rich middle range, capable of vocalizing with precision and reaching powerful high notes (she even dares a killer variation on "Vieni al tempio!").— CJM • Olyrix
E, certo, lo spessore del cast e il livello altissimo della performance della protagonista Lisette Oropesa non possono che sancire il trionfo di questa produzione. Pur essendo oramai un’affermata e celebrata interprete belcantistica, il soprano cubano-statunitense ha iniziato a frequentare il repertorio belliniano relativamente di recente (debuttando come Giulietta e, appunto, come Elvira nel 2022). Ed è forse per questo che l’Elvira apparsa sul palco di Bastille, più che una vergin vezzosa, è un personaggio a tutto tondo, che travalica gli angusti confini imposti dalla drammaturgia del libretto, e nella cui psicologia tormentata a tratti crediamo di scorgere, come in filigrana, il volto di Lucia Ashton (non a caso, uno dei suoi cavalli di battaglia). E quindi la facilità prodigiosa nei virtuosissimi delle colorature belcantistiche (che vanno tutti a segno) non sfocia mai in ornamentazioni “di bravura” fine a se stesse ma è invece sorretta da una robusta accentazione drammatica, in special modo nel registro grave, dove la voce mostra un bel colore brunito.Yes, indeed, the depth of the cast and the exceptionally high level of the protagonist Lisette Oropesa's performance can only confirm the triumph of this production. Despite being an established and celebrated bel canto interpreter, the Cuban-American soprano began to delve into the Bellini repertoire relatively recently (debuting as Giulietta and, precisely, as Elvira in 2022). Perhaps, it is for this reason that the Elvira who appeared on the stage of the Bastille, more than a charming maiden, is a fully fleshed-out character who transcends the narrow confines imposed by the libretto's dramaturgy, and in whose tormented psychology we believe we can occasionally glimpse, as if subtly outlined, the face of Lucia Ashton (not by chance, one of her signature roles). Therefore, the prodigious ease in executing the highly virtuosic bel canto coloratura (which all hit the mark) never turns into mere "bravura" ornamentations for their own sake; instead, they are supported by a robust dramatic accentuation, especially in the lower register, where the voice displays a beautiful bronzed color.— Guido Giachetti • Conessi all'Opera
La soirée est portée au firmament par son plateau vocal exceptionnel. Lisette Oropesa crève la scène. Les aigus atteints avec naturel, les vocalises qui s’enchaînent avec fluidité, le souffle parfaitement maîtrisé, les piani qui franchissent l’orchestre avec insolence : la soprano américaine est tout simplement sidérante. Outre ses moyens vocaux hors-normes, le jeu scénique est fin, varié, crédible. Les scènes de folie lorgnent moins du côté d’une démence maniérée ou étrange que vers un choc émotionnel impossible à gérer, à comprendre et à saisir.The evening is elevated to the stars by its exceptional vocal lineup. Lisette Oropesa steals the show. The high notes achieved naturally, the vocal runs flowing smoothly, the breath perfectly controlled, the pianissimos that effortlessly soar over the orchestra: the American soprano is simply staggering. In addition to her extraordinary vocal abilities, her stage performance is subtle, varied, and believable. The scenes of madness lean less towards affected or strange dementia and more towards an emotional shock that is impossible to cope with, to grasp, and to comprehend.— Tancrède Lahary • Forum Opera
Lisette Oropesa nous fait entrer dans l'univers d'Elvira, un gouffre de souffrance avec quelques rares moments de lucidité, la folie lui permettant des joies éphémères. La jeune femme rejette l'exaltation de la patrie et de la guerre, devient misophone face à toute composition militaire.Lisette Oropesa introduces us to the world of Elvira, a whirlpool of suffering with a few rare moments of clarity, where madness allows for fleeting moments of joy. The young woman rejects the exaltation of homeland and war, becoming misophonic in the face of any military composition.— Mohamed Berkani • FranceTV Info
Une Elvira d’exceptionSur scène, Lisette Oropesa captive dès son entrée. Son timbre lumineux, sa souplesse vocale et son art du legato servent à merveille l’écriture raffinée de Bellini. Dans Son vergin vezzosa, elle joue sur une fragilité émouvante, teintée de pressentiment. Puis, à mesure qu’Elvira sombre dans la folie, la soprano impressionne par la finesse de son interprétation dramatique. Son O rendetemi la speme est un sommet d’émotion, avec des pianissimi suspendus et des aigus cristallins qui glacent et bouleversent tout à la fois.An Exceptional Elvira On stage, Lisette Oropesa captivates from her entrance. Her luminous timbre, vocal flexibility, and mastery of legato serve the refined writing of Bellini to perfection. In "Son vergin vezzosa," she plays with a touching fragility tinged with premonition. Then, as Elvira descends into madness, the soprano impresses with the finesse of her dramatic interpretation. Her "O rendetemi la speme" is a peak of emotion, with suspended pianissimos and crystalline high notes that chill and move at the same time.— Entrevue • Entrevu.fr
Dans le rôle d’Elvira, Lisette Oropea est époustouflante de naturel ; sa voix brillante sans être désincarnée, doublée d’une remarquable présence scénique, n’escamote jamais une diction toujours très claire, y compris dans les passages les plus virtuoses (impressionnante variation sur « Vieni al tempio ! »). Quant à sa scène d’égarement, elle est d’anthologie.In the role of Elvira, Lisette Oropea is stunningly natural; her brilliant voice, while not lacking in warmth, coupled with a remarkable stage presence, never sacrifices a consistently clear diction, even in the most virtuosic passages (impressive variation on "Vieni al tempio!"). As for her scene of delirium, it is nothing short of iconic.— Jean-François Lattarico • Classique News
Funambule et fantomatique, Lisette Oropesa offre une mémorable prestation ; virtuose accomplie à la voix souple et ondulante (Polonaise), son personnage allie beauté de la ligne et rondeur du timbre (Folie) à une grammaire belcantiste des plus développées. Cette sportive, adepte de la course à pied, ici en perpétuel mouvement, respire la musique avec grâce et trouve dans cette partition la clé d’une interprétation émouvante et hautement recherchée,Funambulist and ghostly, Lisette Oropesa delivers a memorable performance; a accomplished virtuoso with a supple and undulating voice (in the Polonaise), her character combines beauty of line and roundness of timbre (in the Folie) with a highly developed bel canto grammar. This athlete, a fan of running, is in perpetual movement here, breathing music with grace and finding in this score the key to a moving and highly sought-after interpretation.— François Lesueur • Concert Classic
son Elvira domine par la justesse impeccable du colorature, l’élégance dans les changements de registre et une aisance scénique confondante. Pourtant, c’est peu dire que l’acte II ne ménage pas son personnage, psychologiquement torturé par la trahison d’Arturo, naviguant entre folie et désespoir : Lisette Oropesa tient la barre avec une agilité et un naturel d’autant plus désarmants qu’elle insuffle au belcanto cette dimension supplémentaire de tragédienne, réservée aux plus grandes. S’extirpant de la simple et caricaturale démonstration de virtuosité, la soprano prête à son Elvira, par son ampleur dramatique, des allures de Violetta.Lisette Oropesa's interpretation of Elvira is dominated by the impeccable accuracy of her coloratura, elegance in register changes, and a stunning stage presence. However, it is an understatement to say that Act II spares her character little, psychologically tortured by Arturo's betrayal, navigating between madness and despair: Lisette Oropesa steers the ship with an agility and naturalness that are all the more disarming as she infuses the bel canto with an additional dimension of tragedienne, reserved for the greatest. Breaking free from the simple and caricatural display of virtuosity, the soprano lends her Elvira, through her dramatic depth, the qualities of a Violetta.— Erwan Gentric • Bachtrack
A commencer par Lisette Oropesa. Une diva assoluta, vraiment, qui s’empare de ce rôle avec un engagement sans faille, une vérité troublante, portant Elvira aux confins d’une folie qui se refuse au spectaculaire, à l’expressionisme ou l’histrionisme, pour n’être que dans l’expressivité pure de son chant, dépouillé de toute afféterie et qui vous tétanise par ce qu’elle révèle et recèle de souffrance inconsciente. Le choc est grand, l’émotion dans la salle palpable. Et les moyens vocaux de la soprano stupéfient. Aisance dans les aigus aériens comme dans les vocalises déroulées sans effort apparent, piani effilées, souffle maîtrisé. A chacune de ses apparitions, qui la voit s’enfoncer davantage dans ce cauchemar, de plus en plus absente à elle-même, la salle, suspendue, semblait retenir son souffle.Starting with Lisette Oropesa. An absolute diva, truly, who takes hold of this role with unwavering commitment, a troubling truth, carrying Elvira to the edges of a madness that rejects the spectacular, expressionism, or histrionics, to be only in the pure expressiveness of her singing, stripped of all affectation, and which petrifies you with what she reveals and conceals of unconscious suffering. The impact is significant, the emotion in the hall palpable. And the soprano's vocal abilities astonish. Ease in the airy high notes as well as effortlessly unfurled vocalizations, finely spun pianissimos, controlled breath. With each of her appearances, as she sinks further into this nightmare, increasingly absent from herself, the suspended audience seemed to hold its breath.— Denis Sanglard • Un Fauteuil Pour l'Orchestre
Lisette Oropesa dans le rôle d’Elvira. Tu en as le souffle coupé, heureusement elle non : la voix est charmante mais ton œil expert voit qu’elle commence par un “check” dans une vocalise d’une difficulté redoutable et tu sens qu’elle tâte le terrain en sportive chevronnée. À lire également : le compte-rendu complet de la soirée sur ÔlyrixTu sais qu’elle connaît le parcours, qu’elle estime jusqu’où, ce soir-là, ses forces pourront la mener. Ductile, sa voix l’est : le son est rond, l’étoffe soyeuse, la ligne souple. Le soutien, aujourd’hui, répond bien et tu sens l’artiste s’impliquer de plus en plus dans le rôle, en confiance, ouvrant sa vigilance au plaisir du jeu et de la musique. Chez toi, un plaisir similaire, par procuration, par empathie, te fait respirer avec elle, fermer les yeux lorsque le son est trop beau, soupirer lorsqu’il est triste… vous formez ce corps double et étrange qui partage un savoir qu’elle porte à la scène avec une témérité que tu n’as pas osé avoir. Tu es ému parce que tu aurais voulu ou peut-être pas, mais si elle a voulu, elle, tu es heureux parce qu’elle y parvient et que tout, ce soir-là, est une formidable leçon de chant, de scène et d’art.Lisette Oropesa in the role of Elvira. You are breathless, fortunately she is not: the voice is charming, but your expert eye sees that she starts with a "check" in a vocalise of formidable difficulty, and you feel that she is testing the ground like a seasoned athlete. Also, read the full review of the evening on Ôlyrix. You know that she knows the path, that she assesses how far her strengths can take her tonight. Ductile, her voice is: the sound is round, the texture silky, the line flexible. The support today responds well, and you feel the artist becoming more and more involved in the role, with confidence, opening her vigilance to the pleasure of the game and music. In you, a similar pleasure, vicariously, empathetically, makes you breathe with her, close your eyes when the sound is too beautiful, sigh when it is sad... you form this double and strange body that shares a knowledge she brings to the stage with a boldness you dared not have. You are moved because you would have wanted to, or maybe not, but if she wanted, you are happy because she achieves it, and everything tonight is a great lesson in singing, stage, and art.— GMA • Classy Keo
Cette secrète beauté trouve en Lisette Oropesa, une incarnation confondante de vérité. Aucune note, aucune vocalise n’a d’autre but que la révélation d’un monde intérieur en constante métamorphose. Dès ses premières errances, parmi les herses de ferraille sur tournette qui servent de décor, son jeu fluide suggère la tragédie. Présence rayonnante, belcantiste exemplaire (admirables « messa di voce »), sa vocalité pleine et fruitée captive et touche de la première à la dernière mesure.This secret beauty is found in Lisette Oropesa, a striking embodiment of truth. No note, no vocalise has any other purpose than the revelation of an inner world in constant metamorphosis. From her first wanderings, among the scrap metal harrows on a turntable that serve as a set, her fluid playing suggests tragedy. A radiant presence, an exemplary bel canto singer (admirable "messa di voce"), her full and fruity vocal quality captivates and moves from the first to the last measure.— Bénédicte Palaux-Simonnet • Crescendo Magazine
The role of Elvira is daunting in its vocal demands, and, in this production, she is onstage for almost the entire evening. Luckily, Oropesa was up to the challenge, whirling around the scaffolding in the throes of increasing mania. Her vocal stamina, too, was admirable, as she handled the intricacies of the coloratura with verve and let loose some resounding acuti, even in the final act. Oropesa’s solid technique—proper vowel alignment and abundant appoggio, chiefly—has afforded her the ability to flesh out a myriad of hues across her register.— Emma Hoffman • Parterre
Lisette Oropesa: La Diva!The cast was led by Lisette Oropesa, who made her debut in this role in a staged production during this run. Her performance was nothing short of extraordinary, excelling both musically and dramatically. Her bright, silvery soprano navigated the daunting coloratura passages Bellini composed for his heroine with remarkable ease. She delivered flawless, precise trills, thrilling coloratura, and stunning high notes that sparkled with brilliance. In the upper register, her voice had a fluttering quality that added an emotional intensity to every phrase, as though she could convey the palpitations of a racing heart. In the more lyrical sections, her seamless legato and delicate pianissimi were deeply moving. A resounding success! The evening was a resounding triumph, culminating in a standing ovation for Lisette Oropesa.— Laura Servidei • OperaWire
Although Elvira is unsettled in mind for a good portion of the opera, Lisette Oropesa sustains the utmost musical presence and poise in her performance, above all in the long ‘mad scene’ of Act Two. Her vocal line is superbly even throughout, and she evinces a Callas-like ability to express vulnerability and fear within the timbral richness of her singing.— Curtis Rogers • Classical Source
En cuanto a los solistas vocales, Lisette Oropesa responde idealmente, por tipo de voz, por figura escénica, a la Elvira belliniana. Su facilidad para la coloratura, su inteligencia actoral, su bellísima linea de canto, su notabilísima inteligibilidad, son bazas que la soprano sabe emplear para crear un personaje tierno pero sin ñoñerías, loco pero sin brutalidad. Muy creíble.Regarding vocal soloists, Lisette Oropesa is an ideal match for the role of Bellini's Elvira, both in terms of voice type and stage presence. Her ease with coloratura, her acting intelligence, her beautiful singing line, and her remarkable intelligibility are assets that the soprano knows how to use to create a character that is tender but not naive, mad but not brutal. Highly believable.— Francisco Leonarte • Mundo Classico
Lisette has given 15 performances as Elvira.