Lisette interviewed in Una tarda a l'òpera on Catalunya Música
Lisette interviewed in Una tarda a l'òpera on Catalunya Música
Music by
Rodelinda | Lisette Oropesa | |
Bertarido | Bejun Mehta | |
Flavio | Fabián Augusto Gómez | |
Grimoaldo | Joel Prieto | |
Eduige | Sasha Cooke | |
Unulf | Gerald Thompson | |
Garibaldo | Gianluca Margheri |
Rodelinda is the wife of King Bertarido, who is given by death. Grimolado is the usurper of the throne and aspires to share the bed with Rodelinda. A plot of love and power, ambition and contrasting characters, in the framework of one of Händel's most unjustly unknown operas, written at the height of the trajectory of the German musician in London. Claus Guth tells the story through the imagination and fears of Flavio, the son of the kings, as part of a show that is faithful to the spirit of music and history immortalized by the master pen of Georg Friedrich Händel . An ideal cast for one of the operas that best summarized the spirit of opera would be the first third of the eighteenth century, with the role of the great counter-agent Bejun Mehta, a true specialist in this repertoire.
Lisette interviewed in Una tarda a l'òpera on Catalunya Música
Lisette Oropesa is interviewed in Platea Magazine
Lisette Oropesa interviewed in El Periódico
Lisette is interviewed in the La Vanguardia
Lisette Oropesa interviewed in El Mundo
Lisette Oropesa is interviewed in the Spanish, Ritmo Magazine.
Lisette Oropesa interviewed in El Asombrario
Lisette Oropesa interviewed in Tutti Magazine
Lisette Oropesa interviewed in Opera Wire
Con fantasía y buen gusto en las ornamentaciones y una coloratura espectacular, Lisette Oropesa es una Rodelinda de ensueño. La voz es bella, cálida, rica en colores, tan fascinante como su riqueza expresiva. Siempre en escena —y eso que la ópera dura más de tres horas— muestra de forma admirable las agitadas emociones de una mujer enamorada y fiel, que sufre, se resigna y se rebela con furia.With fantasy and good taste in ornamentation, alongside spectacular coloratura, Lisette Oropesa is a dream Rodelinda. Her voice is beautiful, warm, rich in color, as fascinating as it is expressive. Always on stage—and considering that the opera lasts for more than three hours—she admirably displays the turbulent emotions of a loving and faithful woman who suffers, resigns, and rebels with fury.— Javier Perez-Senz • El Pais
Un lujo, tanto como el que ofreció el impresionante y auspicio debut de Lisette Oropesa en el papel titular, quien impuso una voz de gran belleza y esmalte, dominio estilístico y sentido teatral, fascinando con las arias a su cargo y poderosa en el ornamento.A luxury, as much as the one provided by the impressive and promising debut of Lisette Oropesa in the leading role, who displayed a voice of great beauty and polish, stylistic mastery and theatrical sense, captivating with the arias in her charge and powerful in ornamentation.— Pablo Meléndez-Haddad • El Periódico
El Liceu ha pogut comptar per aquestes representacions amb el talent emergent de la soprano Lisette Oropesa, una cantant de tracte proper i exquisit (res a veure per tant amb el “dimoni” Cuzzoni). La veu lírico-lleugera d’Oropesa pateix en algun moment d’una partitura extenuant i excessivament greu, però amb la seva tècnica impol·luta i uns imaginatius ornaments acaba portant el personatge a la seva tessitura, component una interpretació absolutament colpidora i fascinant. Si haguéssim de triar un fragment (arriba a cantar fins a 8 àries!) ens quedaríem amb el bell lament de l’acte tercer, “Se’il mio duol”. La soprano debutava al teatre i en el rol; no podem més que desitjar noves visites per la seva part.The Liceu has been able to count on the emerging talent of soprano Lisette Oropesa for these performances, a singer with a close and exquisite approach (nothing to do, therefore, with the "devil" Cuzzoni). Oropesa's lyric-light voice suffers at times from an exhausting and excessively heavy score, but with her flawless technique and imaginative ornaments, she ends up bringing the character to her tessitura, composing an absolutely striking and fascinating interpretation. If we had to choose a fragment (she sings up to 8 arias!), we would choose the beautiful lament of the third act, "Se’il mio duol". The soprano was making her debut at the theater and in the role; we can only wish for more visits from her.— Daniel Cortès Gil • Núvol
Händel exige un enorme despliegue vocal a la soprano y Lisette Oropesa encarnó una reina de Lombardía de gran factura dramática, con aplomo en el despliegue de la multifacética Rodelinda, vulnerable y desafiante, tierna y agresiva... Dotada de un centro esplendoroso, haciendo uso de un magnífico legato y de una voz fresca y bien impostada redondeó un debut brillante en el Liceu. Con momentos emocionantes como una conmovedora “Ombre, piante” –soberbias las flautas en el diálogo– se metió en el bolsillo al público.Handel demands a tremendous vocal range from the soprano, and Lisette Oropesa embodied a queen of Lombardy of great dramatic stature, with poise in deploying the multifaceted Rodelinda, vulnerable yet defiant, tender yet aggressive... Blessed with a resplendent middle voice, making use of magnificent legato and a fresh and well-set voice, she rounded off a brilliant debut at the Liceu. With stirring moments such as a moving "Ombre, piante" – the flutes were excellent in the dialogue– she won over the audience.— Diego A. Civilotti • Platea Magazine
Lisette Oropesa dio vida a una Rodelinda sin mácula. La joven soprano estadounidense, una de las sensaciones del panorama lírico actual, debutaba en el teatro barcelonés y cosechó un merecido triunfo. Oropesa exhibió una voz bien proyectada en todo momento, de bello timbre, cálido, elegante, de acentos mórbidos y homogéneo en todos los registros. Una voz aunada a una técnica sin debilidades, que permitió a la joven soprano afrontar con inapelable solidez el virtuosismo de sus arias. Teatralmente, la soprano de Nueva Orleans se desenvolvió con espontaneidad y magnetismo en todo momento, completando una actuación redonda. Sin lugar a duda, la estrella de Oropesa está llamada a brillar con intensidad en el repertorio lírico durante los años venideros.Lisette Oropesa breathed life into a flawless Rodelinda. The young American soprano, one of the sensations of the current lyrical scene, made her debut in the Barcelona theater and garnered a well-deserved triumph. Oropesa exhibited a voice that was well-projected at all times, with a beautiful timbre, warm, elegant, with morbid accents and homogeneous in all registers. A voice joined by a technique without weaknesses, which allowed the young soprano to confidently face the virtuosity of her arias. Theatrically, the New Orleans soprano carried herself with spontaneity and magnetism at all times, rounding out a complete performance. Without a doubt, Oropesa's star is set to shine intensely in the lyrical repertoire in the years to come.— Xavier Borja Bucar • Codalario
La Rodelinda de Lisette Oropesa recogió claramente el guante protagonista en un voraz debut; voraz en las indecisiones del personaje, en las aceptaciones, en las negativas, voraz en los aplausos en los que insistió el público.Lisette Oropesa's Rodelinda clearly picked up the leading role's gauntlet in a voracious debut; voracious in the character's indecisions, in acceptances, in rejections, voracious in the applause that the audience insisted on.— Opera World • Opera World
Doble debut de Lisette Oropesa: al Liceu i com a Rodelinda. La soprano estatunidenca és especialista en belcanto romàntic i el timbre i la projecció de la veu ho delaten, però Oropesa s’emmotlla a l’estil händelià i se’n surt amb nota gràcies a passatges exquisidament resolts, com ara l’ària Ombre, piante, urne funeste del primer acte.Lisette Oropesa's Double Debut: At the Liceu and as Rodelinda. The American soprano is a specialist in Romantic bel canto, and her voice's timbre and projection betray this, but Oropesa molds herself to the Handelian style and excels thanks to exquisitely executed passages, such as the aria Ombre, piante, urne funeste from the first act.— Jaume Radigales • Ara.cat
La soprano Lisette Oropesa trunfó con una interpretación de Rodelinda de coloratura espetacular, bellas ornamentaciones y una calidez y riqueza expresiva cautivadoras. Guth la mantiene en escena casi toda la ópera, en un trabaja extenuante como actriz que, de forma admirable, muestra las agitadas emociones de una mujer enamoradad y fiel, que sufre, se resigna y se rebela con furia.The soprano Lisette Oropesa triumphed with a spectacular coloratura interpretation of Rodelinda, featuring beautiful ornamentations and a captivating warmth and expressive richness. Guth keeps her on stage for almost the entire opera, in an exhausting role as an actress that admirably portrays the turbulent emotions of a woman in love and faithful, who suffers, resigns herself, and rebels with fury.— Javier Pérez Senz • Scherzo Magazine
Lisette Oropesa cantó con una gran musicalidad, estuvo segura en los ornamentos, con un gran dominio del estilo, una expresión muy convincente, aguantando con brillantez la complejidad y duración de su papel.Lisette Oropesa sang with great musicality, she was confident in the ornaments, with a great mastery of style, a very convincing expression, enduring brilliantly the complexity and duration of her role.— Albert Vilardell • Ritmo