La traviata recording a critical success
La traviata album a critical success!
Music by
Violetta Valery | Lisette Oropesa | |
Alfredo Germont | Dmytro Popov | |
Giorgio Germont | Simon Keenlyside | |
Giorgio Germont | Plácido Domingo - July 01 | |
Giorgio Germont | Lucas Meachem - July 03 | |
Flora Bervoix | Daria Proszek | |
Annina | Emily Sierra | |
Gastone | Galeano Salas | |
Barón Duphol | Bálint Szabó | |
Marqués D' Obigny | Daniel Noyola | |
Doctor Grenville | Martin Snell | |
Giuseppe | Granit Musliu |
One does not love courtesans! Alfredo's father thinks so after his son has moved in with the consumptive Violetta Valéry. Out of love for Alfredo, Violetta even accepts that. She leaves him, dies poor and ill - only dreaming of the happiness of true love. One of Verdi's most popular operas still holds up to society a mirror of its mendacious morality. An exemplary production! Watch!
La traviata album a critical success!
Lisette Oropesa, born in New Orleans in 1983, is an absolutely wonderful singer, as you can see at the Munich Opera Festival. There she sings Violetta in Verdi's "La Traviata" in Günter Krämer's production, which is now almost 30 years old. One of the bizarre things about opera is that dying on stage is often the most enchanting moment, and the way Oropesa sings and plays Violetta's dying here is extraordinarily moving. Because she is extraordinarily precise, never does too much, never too little, gives her voice that crucial fragility that makes a truly authentic impression. Ah, that voice. In the first act she glistens and shines. She is light as a feather, but Oropesa has, firstly, a brilliant technique and, secondly, a wonderful little vibrato that carries her voice over everything, always letting it shine out, while always having a warm, incredibly likeable basic sound. Oropesa is here, at the festival in the first act, highly elegant, dainty, enchanting, charming center of the hustle and bustle that has become somewhat worn out over the years of the production.None— Egbert Tholl • Süddeutsche Zeitung
Lisette Oropesa, una de las mejores Violetta del momento, puso al público en pie en esta velada, con su interpretación que apoyada en una notable técnica le permitió expresar sin fisuras todas las facetas del personaje: alegría despreocupada e impulso apasionado, fragilidad del cuerpo y del corazón, enfermedad y miseria, renuncia y grandeza moral, desesperación y agonía. La compleja paleta emocional de la Traviata está magistralmente representada. Lisette Oropesa fue la reina indiscutible de la noche.Lisette Oropesa, one of the best Violettas of the moment, had the audience on their feet this evening, with her performance supported by exceptional technique that allowed her to flawlessly express all facets of the character: carefree joy and passionate impulse, physical and emotional fragility, illness and poverty, renunciation and moral grandeur, despair and agony. The complex emotional palette of La Traviata is masterfully depicted. Lisette Oropesa was the undisputed queen of the night.— Luc Roger • Opera World
Im Mittelpunkt des Bühnengeschehens (Bühnengestaltung Andreas Reinhardt) stand fraglos die Gesangsleistung der von Lisette Oropesa verkörperten Violetta. Die enorm schwierige Partie wurde von ihr bis in die Höhen und das Letzte an Ausdruck und künstlerischer Kraft Fordernde hinein auf zuweilen geradezu ergreifende Weise bewältigt. Der emphatische Beifall am Schluss galt vor allem ihr und war vollauf verdient.At the center of the stage action (stage design by Andreas Reinhardt) was undoubtedly the vocal performance by Lisette Oropesa as Violetta. The extremely challenging role was mastered by her in an often deeply moving manner, down to the heights and the utmost in expression and artistic power demanded. The emphatic applause at the end was primarily for her and was fully deserved.— Hans-Günter Melchior • Ioco
Lisette Oropesa sang die Violetta einerseits virtuos, andererseits auch mit tiefer Emotion. Ihre dunkel gefärbte, klangvolle, metallische, aber dennoch runde und weiche Stimme ist etwas Besonderes, und man hörte ihr den ganzen Abend gebannt zu. Auch schauspielerisch konnte sie überzeugen, am meisten im dritten Akt, in dem sie die Zuschauer mit ihrem innigen Rollenporträt tief berührte.Lisette Oropesa performed the role of Violetta with virtuosity, yet also with profound emotion. Her uniquely dark-hued, resonant, metallic, yet still round and soft voice is something special, captivating the audience throughout the entire evening. She also delivered a convincing acting performance, most notably in the third act, where she deeply moved the audience with her heartfelt portrayal of the character.— Gisela Schmöger • Online Merker
No es nada fácil describir con palabras su voz y su arte. Cuando se alcanzan tales alturas interpretativas toda reseña resulta torpe. Lisette Oropesa posee un instrumento verdaderamente excepcional. Belleza tímbrica, riqueza armónica, aterciopelada redondez, generoso fiato, gran extensión y volumen, una impostación impecable y una estupenda proyección son algunos de los factores que contribuyen a la altísima calidad de su voz. Pero estos aspectos no bastan para explicar el efecto que produce en el oyente. Hay algo más, algo indefinible que otorga a ciertas voces una irresistible fuerza de seducción.It is not at all easy to describe her voice and artistry with words. When such interpretive heights are reached, any review seems clumsy. Lisette Oropesa possesses a truly exceptional instrument. Timbral beauty, harmonic richness, velvety roundness, generous breath support, great range and volume, impeccable placement, and magnificent projection are some of the factors contributing to the extremely high quality of her voice. But these aspects alone are not enough to explain the effect it has on the listener. There is something more, something indefinable, that gives certain voices an irresistible power of seduction.— J.G. Messerschmidt • Mundo Classico
Lisette has given 47 performances as Violetta Valery.