Grandes Vozes in collaboration with Teatro Municipal Rio de Janeiro launches in Rio de Janeiro a new artistic project called "GRANDES VOZES NO RIO DE JANEIRO - THEATRO MUNICIPAL" starting from season 2019.
This is a five year project which presents in Rio de Janeiro the most important opera singers - who dominate the biggest operatic stages of today (Paris, London, Milan and New York) - at the top of their artistic glory. Each one of the singers will participate in a solo concert with the Orquestra Sinfônicaon the stage of the Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro under the famous baton of Maestro Luiz Fernando Malheiro, Maestro Titular da Orquestra. All of the artists will give a masterclass before or after their concert in TMRJ for young and talented brazilian singers.
The first season will feature Vittorio Grigolo (July 7), Michael Fabiano (Aug 25), Lisette Oropesa (Oct 13) and Hibla Gerzmava (Nov 15)
All masterclasses will be webcasted.
Click here for the press release.
O melhor da noite ainda estava por vir, e a sequência que encerrou o programa oficial, com a ária Qui la voce e a cabaletta Vien diletto, do segundo ato da ópera I Puritani, de Bellini, recebeu de Oropesa uma interpretação arrebatadora: se a ária foi extremamente musical, a cabaletta foi de arrepiar, com uma demonstração exuberante de agilidade e domínio técnico. Era evidente que estávamos todos diante de uma grande cantora.The best of the evening was yet to come, and the sequence that closed the official program, with the aria *Qui la voce* and the cabaletta *Vien diletto*, from the second act of Bellini's opera *I Puritani*, received from Oropesa a thrilling interpretation: if the aria was extremely musical, the cabaletta was hair-raising, with an exuberant demonstration of agility and technical mastery. It was evident that we were all in the presence of a great singer.— Leonardo Marques • Movimento