Il Turco in Italia

Music by

G. Rossini

Teatro Real

Madrid, ES




Selim  Alex Esposito
Fiorilla  Lisette Oropesa
Don Geronio  Misha Kiria
Narciso  Edgardo Rocha
Prosdocimo  Florian Sempey
Zaida  Paola Gardina
Albazar  Pablo García-López


Giacomo Sagripanti


Laurent Pelly

Set Designer

Chantal Thomas


Andrés Máspero


Jean-Jacques Delmotte



This performance will be broadcast on Jun 09, 2023 on Arte Concert


"Il Turco in Italia" is an opera in two acts by Gioachino Rossini. The story centers around Selim, a Turkish nobleman who has been exiled from his home and is traveling in Italy. He meets a group of Italian characters, including the wealthy Corrado and his wife Fiorilla. Selim becomes infatuated with Fiorilla, who is intrigued by his exotic and mysterious nature. Corrado, on the other hand, is jealous of Selim's attention towards his wife and is determined to get rid of him.

As the story unfolds, Selim and Fiorilla engage in a flirtatious and playful relationship, but Selim's true feelings for her become clear. He expresses his love for her and is heartbroken when she tells him that she can never be his. Meanwhile, Corrado's jealousy continues to grow and he plots to get rid of Selim.

As Selim and Fiorilla's relationship becomes more complicated, comedic misunderstandings arise among the other characters. Selim's servant, Albazar, is also in love with Fiorilla and tries to win her over. However, his attempts are constantly thwarted by Selim and Corrado. In the end, Selim comes to realize that his feelings for Fiorilla can never be reciprocated and decides to return to Turkey.

The opera ultimately ends with Selim leaving and Fiorilla and Corrado reconciling their marriage. Though Selim's love for Fiorilla was not meant to be, his journey in Italy has helped him come to terms with his exile and find closure in his past. The work is marked by its mix of serious and lighthearted moments and its exploration of themes of love, jealousy, and self-discovery.

Lisette is interviewed in 20 Minutos Spain about her upcoming Il Turco in Italia performances in Madrid!

Interview - 20 Minutos Spain

Lisette is interviewed in 20 Minutos Spain about her upcoming Il Turco in Italia performances in Madrid!



Lisette Oropesa protagoniza "Il turco in Italia" de Rossini en el Teatro Real

la apoteósica - no sabría definirla de otra manera - Fiorilla de Lisette Oropesa, quien hizo y deshizo en lo vocal. No brilló tanto en la página de salida Non si dà follia maggiore, quiza a merced de la edición crítica por encima de tradiciones interpretativas... pero, su voz se desplegó en frescura, luminosidad y con ese carácter efervescente del personaje en el dúo con su marido Per piacere alla signora, así como en el terceto - que deriva en dúo - del segundo acto, Scusate... Trovarvi sola... Credete allefemmine. Y, por su puesto, en su aria final, donde volvió a poner en juego variaciones medidas, sutiles, agudo descollante, no tanto el de cierre, con un timbre centelleante, de bello vibrato y derrochando comedia, salpicada del justo patetismo para intentar entender el por qué de su arrepentimiento.
—  Gonzalo Lahoz  •  Platea Magazine

Madrid, Teatro Real – Il turco in Italia (con Oropesa, Esposito, Kiria, Rocha)

E così Lisette Oropesa, che a me sembrava finora dare il meglio nel repertorio francese, si dimostra un’attrice formidabile, oltre a cantare in modo impeccabile sotto il profilo tecnico e stilistico. Il soprano ha tutte la carte in regola per vincere le difficoltà enormi della sua parte: e non parlo solo dell’aria di sortita o del rondò finale, ma anche del primo duetto con Geronio. Applauditissima, meritatamente.
—  Jorge Binaghi  •  Conessi all'Opera

Le retour de la joie rossinienne

Lisette Oropesa est un de ces êtres humains qu’on dirait faits pour la scène, voire l’écran, la comédie, la farce, la facétie, le drame, en même temps qu’elle possède les caractéristiques – ou plutôt 
—  Santiago Martín Bermúdez  •  Concerto Net

Madrid - Teatro Real: Il turco in Italia

Lisette Oropesa appare in vesti per lei doppiamente inconsuete in quanto è più facile ascoltarla nel repertorio serio e Rossini non risulta essere uno degli autori da lei più frequentato, per sua scelta (ma in Italia si è vista nell’Adina a Pesaro). Ed è un peccato, perché come attrice brillante è spigliatissima e si cala in maniera del tutto convincente nell’impostazione registica: si capisce che si sta divertendo e riesce a comunicarlo al pubblico. Il timbro è luminoso, le agilità sicure, la verve impagabile; a voler essere pignoli si può individuare qualche lieve tensione negli estremi acuti della grande scena del secondo atto, ma che non inficia una prestazione di grande livello. Speriamo che l’annunciato debutto nella Mathilde del Guillaume Tell sia l’inizio di una maggiore frequentazione con il compositore di Pesaro, perché la sua Fiorilla ne lascia la voglia. Ad esempio di una Amenaide.
—  Daniele Galleni  •  Opera Click

Teatro Real de Madrid 2022-23 Review: Il Turco in Italia

Oropesa resumed the performances of “Il turco in Italia” on the 4th of June after cancelling her premiere. The soprano recovered completely, and her voice sounded bright, with harmonics and in top shape. Her warm velvety sound has grown and possesses more projection without compromising the high register as all her beautiful and stylish variations on the repetitions insisted in the higher range of her voice, including fast scales, staccato and mezza voice high notes.
—  Mauricio Villa  •  Opera Wire

Review: Madrid's Teatro Real Brings Out the Charms of Rossini's TURCO IN ITALIA with Oropesa

Oropesa had missed her first two performances* of the run because of the flu, but she was in fine form at her first evening back, with impeccable coloratura and the comic chops that most of the opera calls for, and the heft for her regrets at the end. I don’t know how the others who had sung in her absence (her primary alternate, soprano Sara Blanch, and her alternate, Sabina Puertolas), but Oropesa--so familiar to Met audiences in more dramatic roles--was simply peachy, even though her character was not exactly sympathetic for much of the piece.*I only missed my opening night performance, not two performances.
—  Richard Sasanow  •  Broadway World

Performance History

Lisette has given 10 performances as Fiorilla.