Music by
Konstanze | Lisette Oropesa | |
Blonde | Rebecca Nelsen | |
Belmonte | Javier Camarena | |
Pedrillo | Matthew Grills | |
Osmin | Franz Howlata - Sep. 21 | |
Osmin | Hans-Peter König - Sep. 26, Oct. 01 | |
Pasha Selim | Bernd Schmidt | |
Narrator | Demus Gül |
A European woman in the hands of Muslim fundamentalists. A western rescue mission goes awry. Execution by the special unit is a foregone conclusion. But: vengeance is nothing - forgiveness everything! Unfortunately only a very few have the greatness of heart to exercise it. Mozart's contribution to the clash of civilizations and a not-to-be-underestimated comedy for music.
Singspiel in three acts - 1782
Now for the human stars: Entführung is Konstanze’s show, and Lisette Oropresa doesn’t disappoint. “Ach, ich liebte” is not an easy first aria, and she falters on a few high notes and trills. But by the time she reaches Konstanze’s showpiece “Martern aller Arten”, she’s tossing off coloratura and high Ds with ease and looking fiercely defiant, to boot.None— Ilana Walder-Biesanz • Bachtrack
Lisette Oropesa a toutes les qualités exigées par Konstanze : une fraîcheur et une jeunesse enviables, une technique solide, cela se sent dès son premier air très paminien , Ach ich liebte déjà difficile dans la retenue qui exige déjà aigus et trilles.Lisette Oropesa possesses all the qualities required by Konstanze: an enviable freshness and youth, a solid technique, which is evident from her very first, very Pamina-like aria, "Ach ich liebte," already challenging in its restraint, demanding high notes and trills.— Wanderer • Blog du Wanderer
Cabe también elogiar el buen trabajo de Lisette Oropesa con la exigente parte de Konstanze, de escritura imposible y que la joven soprano americana resolvió con verdadera naturalidad, sin forzar un ápice el instrumento. Le faltan a su instrumento, lo mismo que a sus acentos, un carisma y personalidad más genuinos, pero estamos sin duda ante una intérprete esmerada.It is also worth praising the fine work of Lisette Oropesa with the demanding role of Konstanze, a part with seemingly impossible notation which the young American soprano handled with true naturalness, without straining her instrument in the slightest. Her instrument, as well as her accents, lack a bit of genuine charisma and personality, but we are undoubtedly in the presence of a meticulous performer.— Alejandro Martínez • Codalario
Lisette has given 43 performances as Konstanze.