Music by
Violetta Valery | Lisette Oropesa | |
Alfredo Germont | Vittorio Grigolo | |
Alfredo Germont | Arturo Chacón-Cruz - Aug 08 | |
Giorgio Germont | Plácido Domingo | |
Giorgio Germont | Simone Piazzola - Aug 08 | |
Giorgio Germont | Leo Nucci - Aug 17 | |
Flora Bervoix | Clarissa Leonardi | |
Annina | Daniela Mazzucato | |
Gastone | Carlo Bosi | |
Gastone | Marcello Nardis - Aug 08, 17 | |
Barón Duphol | Gianfranco Montresor | |
Barón Duphol | Nicolò Ceriani - Aug 08, 17 | |
Marchese D’Obigny | Daniel Giulianini - Aug 01, 08 | |
Marchese D’Obigny | Dario Giorgelè - Aug 17 | |
Doctor Grenvil | Alessandro Spina | |
Giuseppe | Max René Cosotti |
Arena di Verona Opera Festival 2019 starts with La Traviata in the new stage design signed by Franco Zeffirelli.
On 1st August 2019 Plácido Domingo will go on the stage in the roles of Giorgio Germont.
Lisette Oropesa était Violetta, un rôle qu’elle chanta il y a quelques années et qu’elle a interprété l’espace d’un soir à Athènes quelques jours avant, histoire de se le remettre en voix. Ce qui étonne toujours chez Oropesa et qui ravit, c’est d’abord son phrasé italien quasi parfait, son sens de la couleur, l’impeccable contrôle de la voix et la tenue du souffle. On lui a reproché quelquefois une sorte de supériorité de la technique sur l’émotion ; on a au contraire ici l’union d’une technique impeccable et le sens donné à chaque mot, le poids de l’expression (quel deuxième acte ! quelle intensité dans amami Alfredo !) et l’intériorité, un mot étrange dans une représentation devant 15000 personnes, où elle est une petite tache blanche sur l’immensité de la scène. Lisette Oropesa, aux origines cubaines, a une évidente familiarité avec un phrasé latin, et une vraie sensibilité, outre une technique de fer acquise dans la formation américaine. C’est d’emblée une Violetta avec laquelle il va falloir compter, car m’est avis qu’elle va les multiplier. Son Addio del passato est exemplaire, et même sa lecture de la lettre, si claire. Et en plus elle a les notes qu’il faut, dans les agilités (ses gioir du premier acte) comme dans les moments plus lyriques du deuxième (dite alla giovine bouleversant et sans doute aussi décuplé par l’émotion distillée par son partenaire Domingo).Lisette Oropesa was Violetta, a role she sang a few years ago and performed again in Athens a few days prior, as a way to get back into vocal shape. What always astonishes and delights about Oropesa is firstly her nearly perfect Italian phrasing, her sense of color, the impeccable control of her voice, and the management of her breath. She has sometimes been criticized for a sort of superiority of technique over emotion; however, here there was a union of impeccable technique and the meaning given to each word, the weight of the expression (what a second act! What intensity in "amami Alfredo"!) and a sense of introspection, an odd word in a performance before 15,000 people, where she is but a small white spot on the vastness of the stage. Lisette Oropesa, of Cuban heritage, has an evident ease with Latin phrasing, and a true sensitivity, in addition to a solid technique acquired through American training. She instantly becomes a Violetta to be reckoned with, as I believe she is going to take on this role more frequently. Her "Addio del passato" is exemplary, and even her reading of the letter, so clear. And she has the necessary notes, in agility (her "gioir" in the first act) as well as in the more lyrical moments of the second ("dite alla giovine" is moving and undoubtedly also intensified by the emotion distilled by her partner Domingo).— Guy Cherqui • Wanderer
Nel ruolo della sfortunata protagonista c’era una straordinaria Lisette Oropesa, voce bella e sostenuta da un’invidiabile tecnica che le ha consentito di superare il nodo “delle tre Violette” che, come noto, richiede altrettante tipologie di soprano (leggero, lirico e drammatico), che sottolineano con lo svolgersi della vicenda il declino della donna e l’incedere inesorabile della malattia. Una bella linea di canto la sua, con legati espressivi e un pieno controllo del suono.In the role of the unfortunate protagonist was the extraordinary Lisette Oropesa, with a beautiful voice supported by an enviable technique that allowed her to navigate the challenge of "the three Violettas". As it is known, this requires three types of soprano voices (light, lyric, and dramatic) that highlight the protagonist's decline and the relentless progression of her illness throughout the story. Her singing line was beautiful, with expressive legato and complete control of the sound.— Gianpaolo Dal Dosso • GB Opera Magazine
Accanto a lui Lisette Oropesa è una Violetta delicata, diremmo quasi angelicata. Il soprano mette in luce le sue carte migliori nel canto lirico di “Ah, fors’è lui” e del duetto con Germont del II atto. Convince in ogni caso anche nel virtuosismo del primo atto, “Sempre libera”, coronata da un preciso Mib. Il personaggio risulta ben delineato in tutte le sue sfaccettature, anche se nell’ultimo atto un velo di stanchezza metteva alla prova la cantante. Sicuramente con le prossime recite la sua interpretazione crescerà, prendendo più confidenza con l’imponenza del palco e di questo spettacolo.Beside him, Lisette Oropesa is a delicate Violetta, one might say almost angelic. The soprano highlights her best attributes in the lyrical singing of "Ah, perhaps he is the one" and the duet with Germont from act II. She convincingly settles into the virtuosity of the first act, "Forever Free," culminating in a precise E flat. Her character is well outlined in all its facets, even if in the last act a veil of fatigue put the singer to the test. Surely, with future performances, her interpretation will grow, gaining more confidence with the grandeur of the stage and this show.— Francesco Lodola • Ieri Oggi Domaini Opera
con la Violetta di Lisette Oropesa – squisita per eleganza del canto, precisione nel virtuosismo, sensibilità espressiva, toccante in particolare nell’ ultimo attoWith Lisette Oropesa's Violetta - exquisite for her elegance in singing, precision in virtuosity, expressive sensitivity, particularly touching in the final act.— Silvia Poletti • DelTeatro
Rimpasto nel cast della serata che vede nel ruolo di Violetta per la seconda recita in Arena Lisette Oropesa che disegna una ragazza particolarmente fragile sin dall’inizio nel suo desiderio effimero di evadere dal suo destino, dalla voce tecnicamente malleabile e parecchio efficacie nelle note più alte del suo registro, capace di rifinire un suono delicatissimo fino all’impercettibile, sempre con grande precisione.There has been a reshuffling in the cast for the evening, which sees Lisette Oropesa in the role of Violetta for the second performance in the Arena. She portrays a particularly fragile girl from the beginning, with her ephemeral desire to escape from her fate. Her voice is technically malleable and is highly effective in the highest notes of her range, capable of refining a very delicate sound to the imperceptible, always with great precision.— Maria Teresa Giovagnoli • MTG Lirica
Lisette has given 47 performances as Violetta Valery.