Opera Wire - 11 Singers who had a year to remember
OperaWire gives Lisette the #1 position on singers who had a year to remember for 2018!
Music by
Lucia | Lisette Oropesa | |
Edgardo | Javier Camarena | |
Enrico | Artur Rucinski | |
Raimondo | Roberto Tagliavini | |
Arturo | Yijie Shi | |
Alisa | Marina Pinchuk | |
Normanno | Alejandro del Cerro |
A genuine paradigm of Italian romantic opera, Lucia di Lammermoor is the most successful and well known in the extensive list of lyric dramas by Gaetano Donizetti. From the outset, the work was admired for the way its music communicated emotions and was not only a succession of vocal fireworks. This opera opened the doors of Paris for the composer from Bergamo and it was the only piece which remained part of the repertory before the Donizetti Renaissance that as of the 1950’s, would consecrate the composer forever.
In this heart-breaking masterpiece, a young girl in love falls into a state of profound desperation when she is accused of betrayal by her beloved for having married another, albeit against her will. What the lover does not know is that the wedding was celebrated on a false pretense of infidelity. In one of the most famous scenes in operatic history, the girl is overwhelmed by such emotional pain that she loses her mind. This gives way to a moment of musical and theatrical genius in the physiological introspection of its heroine. The unavoidable tragic end seals a work that, without any doubt, continues to enrapture audiences today.
OperaWire gives Lisette the #1 position on singers who had a year to remember for 2018!
Lisette Oropesa interviewed in Club de Opera
The Lucia sextet at the Teatro Real Bis'd during live coverage.
Lisette Oropesa interviewed on Cadena Ser podcast, La Ventana
Lisette Oropesa interview with Taminophile
Lisette Oropesa interviewed in Voz Populi
Lisette in Scherzo Magazine for July-August 2018
Lisette Oropesa talks with José Manuel Zapata on Mas de Uno
Lisette Oropesa interviewed in Women's Soul
Lisette Oropesa, Profile in Mujeres y música
Lucia di Lammermoor at the Teatro Real to be Broadcast!
Lisette is interviewed by ABC.es in Spain
Interview with Lisette in Toda la Musica
Lisette Oropesa interviewed with Rossini America
Interview in the Corriere della sera!
Lisette is interviewed in Amadeus Magazine by Valerio Cappelli
Lisette Oropesa at the La dársena radio show on RTVE.es
Lisette announces her 2017-2018 season
Lisette Oropesa y Javier Camarena encarnan a una pareja protagonista absolutamente creíble en lo físico y extraordinariamente bien avenida en lo musical. Ella, ovacionada en pie al final por buena parte del público, es una cantante completísima y, sobre todo, nada tramposa: su escena de la locura fue, por comparación con lo que suele verse y oírse, un dechado de contención. Y, sin imitar a ninguna de las grandes Lucías históricas (la de Maria Callas la primera, por supuesto), consigue dibujar la suya con perfiles muy personales, una actuación escénica muy contenida y una caracterización vocal completísima en cada una de sus intervenciones.Lisette Oropesa and Javier Camarena embody an absolutely credible leading couple physically and extraordinarily well-matched musically. She, who received a standing ovation from much of the audience at the end, is a superbly complete singer and, above all, not at all deceptive: her mad scene was, by comparison with what is usually seen and heard, a paragon of restraint. And, without imitating any of the great historical Lucías (that of Maria Callas being the first, of course), she manages to sketch hers with very personal profiles, a very contained stage performance, and a thoroughly complete vocal characterization in each of her interventions.— Luis Gago • El Pais
Oropesa cosechó, tanto tras la célebre escena de la locura (cuando se pasa 15 minutos cantando tras asesinar a su marido en la noche de bodas) como en los saludos finales una enorme ovación, bastante poco propia de los estrenos del Teatro Real, a menudo contenidos en entusiasmo, cuando no directamente fríos. Pero la soprano norteamericana probó su espléndido instrumento vocal, su control de la dinámica y su conexión con sus evidentes capacidades interpretativas, que en esta producción, especialmente oscura y violenta, la hacen aparecer con un camisón totalmente ensangrentado. Su éxito en el papel la precede gracias a teatros como la Royal Opera House de Londres, donde lo interpretó el año pasado. Oropesa estuvo al borde del bis, algo muy poco frecuente en cualquier teatro, también en el Real. Y éste parecía provocado por el entusiasta director musical, Daniel Oren, que aplaudía y animaba desde el coro.Oropesa reaped, both after the famous madness scene (when she spends 15 minutes singing after murdering her husband on their wedding night) and in the final greetings, a huge ovation, quite uncommon for premieres at the Teatro Real, often restrained in enthusiasm, if not directly cold. But the American soprano tested her splendid vocal instrument, her control of the dynamics and her connection with her evident interpretative abilities, which in this production, especially dark and violent, make her appear with a completely blood-stained nightgown. Her success in the role precedes her thanks to theatres like the Royal Opera House in London, where she performed it last year. Oropesa was on the verge of a bis, something very rare in any theatre, also at the Real. And this seemed provoked by the enthusiastic music director, Daniel Oren, who applauded and encouraged from the chorus.— Daniel Basteiro • El Español
La locura de la protagonista, interpretada por la soprano estadounidense de ascendencia cubana Lisette Oropesa, se ha trasladado al público del coliseo madrileño, que ha roto en aplausos y en gritos de \"brava\" en el culmen de su enajenación.The madness of the protagonist, played by the American soprano of Cuban descent Lisette Oropesa, has spread to the audience of the Madrid coliseum, who have erupted in applause and shouts of "brava" at the climax of her derangement.— Europa Press • Europa Press
"Espectacular", "qué gusto oír voces así", "brava" o "perfecta" son expresiones que esta noche el publico del Teatro Real ha regalado a la soprano estadounidense Lisette Oropesa, que ha protagonizado "Lucia di Lammermoor", la ópera de Donizetti, cuyas pasiones desatadas han enloquecido a un coliseo entregado. Una ovación que se ha extendido al resto de los cantantes y al coro, y que se ha hecho sentir desde la primera intervención de la soprano, que ya ha emocionado al público con sus agudos, sus trinos, sus filados, y con el control sin límites de su respiración. Una voz con una coloratura que le ha permitido una maestría que ha enamorado a los espectadores, alguno de los cuales también lo achacaba al buen momento y a "la madurez" que vive esta gran soprano y gran actriz."Spectacular", "what a pleasure to hear such voices", "brava" or "perfect" are phrases that the audience at the Teatro Real gifted American soprano Lisette Oropesa tonight, who starred in "Lucia di Lammermoor", the opera by Donizetti, the unleashed passions of which drove an enthralled coliseum mad. An ovation that extended to the rest of the singers and the choir, and which was felt from the soprano's first intervention, who has already touched the audience with her high notes, her trills, her legato, and the limitless control of her breath. A voice with a coloratura that allowed her a mastery that has charmed the audience, some of whom also attributed it to the good moment and "the maturity" that this great soprano and great actress is experiencing.— El Diario • El Diario
La première del viernes contó con la intervención vocal, en los papeles protagonistas, de la soprano de origen cubano Lisette Oropesa y del tenor mexicano Javier Camarena. Ambos encarnan roles de extrema dificultad y extensión: una auténtica maratón vocal para la que es preciso una técnica sólida y depurada. La tesitura exigida en ambos papeles es la de una voz lírico-ligera, pero con los suficientes quilates dramáticos, lo cual no es tan habitual. Oropesa, en el papel de Lucía de Lammermoor, cumplió este cometido a la perfección durante las tres horas que duró la función.The premiere on Friday featured vocal performances, in the leading roles, by the Cuban-born soprano Lisette Oropesa and the Mexican tenor Javier Camarena. Both embody roles of extreme difficulty and range: a true vocal marathon that requires solid and refined technique. The vocal range demanded for both roles is that of a light-lyric voice, yet with enough dramatic quality, which is not so common. Oropesa, in the role of Lucia di Lammermoor, fulfilled this task perfectly throughout the three-hour performance.— Isabel Cantos • El Imparcial
La soprano Lisette Oropesa construye una impecable e intensa Lucia en una interpretación El espeluznante delirio asesino de la protagonista y el resultado de combinar la maravillosa interpretación de Oropesa – vestido blanco ensangrentado, mirada perdida en la felicidad que le han arrebatado – con tan sorprendente y delicado instrumento es, sin duda, una razón más para ponerse en pie y ovacionar a quien encarna, hasta estrujarnos el alma, la locura infinita.Soprano Lisette Oropesa constructs a flawless and intense Lucia in a performance. The chilling murderous delirium of the protagonist and the result of combining the marvelous performance of Oropesa - blood-stained white dress, gaze lost in the happiness that has been snatched from her - with such a surprising and delicate instrument is, without a doubt, another reason to stand up and give an ovation to the one who embodies, squeezing our souls, infinite madness.— Alicia Huerta • Voz Libre
Outstanding debut aside, it was Lisette Oropesa who brought the house down with her candidness on stage and her total match with the production’s concept. Her dramatic triumph wasn’t so unqualified at the vocal level. Her technique is canonic, allowing a total command of her beautiful voice, which possess a sober and warm colour at the centre.None— Fernando Remiro • Bachtrack
El público del Teatro Real se ha rendido a los pies de la soprano estadounidense Lisette Oropesa, que entrega una Lucia emocionante, tanto en lo musical como en lo teatral, hasta unos niveles incalculables.The audience at the Teatro Real has fallen at the feet of American soprano Lisette Oropesa, who delivers an exciting Lucia, both musically and theatrically, to immeasurable extents.— Manuel Cuéllar • El Asombrario
Qué mejor que empezar por la gran triunfadora de la noche, la soprano Lisette Oropesa, espléndida cantante y actriz que configuró un rol difícilmente superable hoy en día. Con una voz de lírico-ligera que, ahora mismo, se adapta como un guante a la tesitura del endiablado papel. Cantó con un gusto exquisito transitando por las agilidades sin apenas dificultad y dando una verdadera clase de canto a la hora de interpretar todos los reguladores, filados, trinos… con una solvencia pasmosa y no exenta de volumen a la hora de proyectar. Además su caracterización del personaje, en continua evolución, es absolutamente creíble y está pensada hasta el último detalle, en conclusión, magnífica.What better way to start than with the grand winner of the night, soprano Lisette Oropesa, a splendid singer and actress who shaped a role that is hardly exceeded nowadays. With a lyric-light voice that, at present, fits like a glove to the fiendish register of the role. She sang with exquisite taste, moving through the agility parts with hardly any difficulty and giving a real singing class when interpreting all the regulators, filados, trills... with astounding proficiency and not lacking in volume when projecting. Besides, her characterization of the character, constantly evolving, is absolutely believable and is thought out down to the last detail, in conclusion, magnificent.— Mariano Hortal • Opera World
Afirmar que Oropesa estuvo a la altura de tan exigidísimo personaje, vocal y expresivamente, es quedarse corto. No solo se paseó sin el más mínimo desfallecimiento y con sorprendente facilidad por toda la onerosa tesitura, creó además una Lucia frágil, femenina, muy bien definida página a página en un crescendo de enorme eficacia dramática y, para colmo, sumando a tan consistente actuación una equivalente belleza visual. Dentro del mejor estilo belcantístico para más concreción y disfrute. Oropesa, en fin, supo aprovechar las partes de brillo vocal y los momentos dramáticos que el personaje permite, en una suma infalible e intercomunicativa entre exhibición instrumental y capacidad expresiva, tal como era de esperar, sin sorpresas, tras su previa Gilda verdiana en 2015.To say that Oropesa rose to the demanding vocal and expressive requirements of the character is an understatement. She effortlessly traversed the demanding range without the slightest hint of fatigue, creating a Lucia who was fragile, feminine, and clearly defined, page by page, in a dramatic crescendo of immense effectiveness. Furthermore, she added to her solid performance an equivalent visual beauty. This was all done in the best bel canto style for specificity and enjoyment. Oropesa knew how to take advantage of the parts for vocal brilliance and the dramatic moments the character allowed, in an infallible and intercommunicative blend of instrumental display and expressive ability, as expected, with no surprises, following her previous performance as Verdi's Gilda in 2015.— Fernando Fraga • Scherzo Magazine
Lisette Oropesa è un soprano di grande valore, che purtroppo canta assai raramente nei teatri italiani (fu Gilda all’Opera di Roma nel dicembre 2016; debutterà al Rossini Opera Festival di Pesaro in Adina il mese prossimo); al Real di Madrid esordì in Rigoletto nel dicembre 2015, proponendo una voce che non era quella di un soprano leggero ordinario. Questa produzione di Lucia conferma un ulteriore sviluppo delle sue qualità: il timbro è suggestivo, per essere più forte che angelicato, delicato ma con qualche zona d’ombra che si adatta bene ai colori fondamentali dell’orchestra. Il vibrato è molto bello; decisamente pregevoli i trilli e gli acuti, preciso il fraseggio; è in alcuni momenti dell’emissione che deve ancora perfezionare la tecnica, soprattutto negli attacchi e nelle note basse, bisognosi di un maggior sostegno. Nella grande scena del III atto la Oropesa trattiene le inflessioni smodate ed enfatiche per concentrarsi sull’espressività delle singole frasi; molto corretta l’enunciazione della cadenza grazie a un buon dominio del fiato, sebbene si profili con evidenza insistente il modello d’impostazione callasiano.Lisette Oropesa is a highly valued soprano, unfortunately, she rarely performs in Italian theatres (she was Gilda at the Opera of Rome in December 2016; she will debut at the Rossini Opera Festival in Pesaro in Adina next month); she debuted at the Real in Madrid in Rigoletto in December 2015, offering a voice that was not that of an ordinary light soprano. This production of Lucia confirms further development of her qualities: the timbre is evocative, being stronger than angelic, delicate but with some areas of shadow that adapt well to the fundamental colors of the orchestra. The vibrato is very beautiful; her trills and high notes are particularly notable, and her phrasing is precise; there are moments in her emission that still need to refine the technique, especially in the attacks and low notes, which need more support. In the grand scene of Act III, Oropesa restrains excessive and emphatic inflections to focus on the expressiveness of individual phrases; the enunciation of the cadence is very correct thanks to good control of her breath, although the pattern of the Callasian training is clearly emerging.— Michele Curnis • GB Opera Magazine
Lisette Oropesa es una de esas cosas excepcionales que aparecen, en plan Cometa Halley, cada x años: está revolucionando al público del Real, que la vitorea, en pie, noche tras noche (y mira que la audiencia real es dura de roer). La conjunción de la voz de esta mujer y un instrumento tan especial y fantasmagórico como la recuperada armónica de cristal resulta en un instante en el cual se congela el tiempoLisette Oropesa is one of those exceptional phenomena that come around, like Halley's Comet, every so often: she's revolutionizing the audience at the Teatro Real, who cheer her on, on their feet, night after night (and that's saying something, considering how tough the Teatro Real's audience can be). The combination of this woman's voice and such a special and ethereal instrument as the restored glass harmonica results in a moment in which time stands still.— Miguel Gabaldón • Notodo
Lisette has given 47 performances as Lucia.