Lisette Oropesa, who plays Nannetta, sings with a breathtaking sustained high float.
By the end of their scene in the first act, she delivered an ethereal sustained high A-flat that was sung almost pianissimo and emphasized the purity of Nannetta's love for Fenton. She sang with utmost delicacy throughout the "Sul fil d'un soffio etesio," her voice reaching a breathtaking climax on a sustained high-A on the phrase "Carmi e malie" that included the most subtle of swells in the middle of the note.
With her beautifully floated, vibrant soprano Ms Oropesa was simply bewitching in Nannetta's Fairy Queen aria, “Sul fil d’un soffio etesio”
Lisette Oropesa est l'exemple même de chanteuse américaine très préparée, techniquement sans failles, mais qui a aussi une vraie personnalité scénique, lumineuse, engagée.
The vocal highlight of the evening was - as expected - Lisette Oropesa's spun-moonlight rendering of Nannetta's enchanting aria "Sul fin d'un soffio etesio" where the soprano was lovingly supported by the conductor.
Nannetta, the winning soprano Lisette Oropesa, sings with effortless grace and lyrical bloom.
Lisette Oropesa played Nannetta as an adorable young teenybopper, comfortable at home in pedal pushers, while poised and pert in public, and spinning sustained high notes with gossamer beauty.
Lisette Oropesa tiene una voz pequeña pero bella. Su Nannetta, junto al Fenton de Sola, formó un dúo de enamorados, juveniles y tiernos, y destacaría, entre las características de su técnica, su excelente fiato.
Lisette Oropesa, als jonge bakvis Nannetta uithuilend bij een bak ijs, klinkt puur en zuiver. In de verkleedscène in het bos is ze een engelachtige Feeënkoningin.
As Nannetta, Lisette Oropesa, looking like the young Debbie Reynolds in a ponytail, is a charmer. Her rendition of “Sul fil d’un soffio” was one of the evening’s highlights.
...the wonderfully silky, bell-like soprano of Lisette Oropesa, whose Nanetta charmed without cloying. Her sustained high notes during “Sul fil d’un soffio” were as magical as one could hope for.
Nanetta, interprétée par Lisette Oropesa (Gilda surprise la saison dernière à Bastille). Elle aussi soprano, sa voix plus légère et son vibrato serré insufflent une certaine innocence au personnage, gazouillant naïvement pendant que les autres protagonistes montent des stratagèmes pour se piéger. Ses aigus cristallins et sa maîtrise du souffle impressionnent le public, notamment à l'acte III, où, déguisée en Reine des fées, elle produit de merveilleuses envolées lyriques.
Nanetta’s music is a gift to any light soprano, and the Met has fortunately cast Lisette Oropesa, possibly the best singer they have in this Fach. She sang “Sul fil d'un soffio etesio” with beautifully light, clear, crystalline tone, and her high notes hang in the air forever.