Rigoletto and Die Entführung aus dem Serail at the Bayerische Staatsoper
Lisette Oropesa has been featured in two leading roles at the Bayerische Staatsoper due to cancellations.
Music by
Duke of Mantua | Yosep Kang | |
Rigoletto | Franco Vassallo | |
Gilda | Lisette Oropesa | |
Sparafucile | Alexander Tsymbalyuk | |
Count Monterone | Alexander Tsymbalyuk | |
Maddalena | Alisa Kolosova | |
Giovanna | Alisa Kolosova | |
Marullo | Andrea Borghini | |
Borsa | Dean Power | |
Count Ceprano | Christian Rieger | |
Countess Ceprano | Leela Subramaniam | |
Usher | Igor Tsarkov | |
Page | Deniz Uzun |
The first performance of the first opera in Verdi's legendary "trilogia popolare" at the Teatro La Fenice in Venice was preceded by a tricky battle with the censor. After all, the play by Victor Hugo on which it was based, about the cynical hedonism of an aristocrat, had been a hot potato throughout Europe since 1832, when it was banned immediately after its first performance in Paris. Verdi was interested less in criticism of the ruling classes and more in the tragedy of the court jester whose existence is devastated.
The deformed entertainer in a world of men who consume women pulls out all the stops in his sarcasm and yet believes that he will remain unharmed by his public actions if he merely separates them cleanly from his private happiness. But when his daughter, imprisoned in a remote location for her own protection, follows her own longing, she becomes the victim of his double existence. A lonely, pitiable clown? "An amoral petty bourgeois man", thinks Arpad Schilling, "who dreams of innocence. A husband mourning for his wife and filled with a thirst for revenge. A great actor to whom success is more important than his own daughter. The fool of a noble lord who has been cheated by his own happiness. Verdi can do what Shakespeare does: He can tell a story in such a way as to make us shudder."
Lisette Oropesa has been featured in two leading roles at the Bayerische Staatsoper due to cancellations.
Für die erkrankte Patricia Petibon übernahm dankenswerterweise kurzfristig Lisette Oropesa die Rolle der Gilda, die sie mit ihrem vollen, leuchtenden, farbenreichen Sopran sehr schön darbot.Due to Patricia Petibon's illness, Lisette Oropesa graciously stepped in at short notice to take on the role of Gilda, which she portrayed beautifully with her full, luminous, richly-coloured soprano.— Martina Bogner • Online Merker
Lisette has given 68 performances as Gilda.