Theodora wins the BBC Music Magazine award in the Choral category
The BBC Music Magazine gave Theodora a win for best Choral music in their 2023 awards!
Music by
Theodora | Lisette Oropesa | |
Irene | Joyce DiDonato | |
Septimius | Michael Spyres | |
Valens | John Chest | |
Didymus | Paul-Antoine Bénos-Djian |
The BBC Music Magazine gave Theodora a win for best Choral music in their 2023 awards!
Handel's Theodora with Lisette Oropesa, Joyce DiDonato, Michael Spyres and John Chest
Theodora – qui trouve dans le timbre lumineux aux aigus délicats de Lisette Oropesa l’image idéale de la vierge martyreTheodora – who finds in Lisette Oropesa’s luminous timbre with its delicate high notes the ideal depiction of the virgin martyr.— Loïc Chahine • Díapason Magazine
In the title role, Lisette Oropesa offered a straightforward sincerity and innocence. Oropesa’s voice is a perfect fit for the character, pure and unforced but with enough fullness to bloom in Handel’s long legato lines. As always, her vocal technique was a marvel, with perfectly integrated registers and fluent command of Handelian ornamentation. Her Act 2 prison scene was the highlight of the evening, marrying endless lines of pearly sound with disarming sincerity. As her lover Didymus, the young French countertenor Paul-Antoine Bénos-Djian sang with a beautiful, rich tone and excellent coloratura, particularly in his opening aria. His plummy sound, though, wasn’t ideally matched with Oropesa’s silvery purity in the final duet, and his English suffered in comparison to his Anglophone cast-mates.None— Kevin W Ng • Bachtrack
Tout oppose cette Irene flamboyante et sophistiquée à une Theodora sobre, pudique et pourtant lumineuse à sa façon, délicate, et en cela fidèle au drame de Morell et Haendel. Lisette Oropesa avait déjà abordé Haendel il y a quelques années (Serse, Giulio Cesare, Rodelinda, The Messiah), mais aucun emploi qui aurait pu la préparer à celui-ci. Sa concentration, sa précision nous saisissent dès son premier numéro, exempt de tout narcissisme vocal, et le reste de sa prestation sera à l’avenant. Lisette Oropesa confère à chaque mot son poids idéal et sa juste inflexion (« Fond, flatt’ring world adieu ! »), livrant d’emblée l’essence de Theodora : la jeune fille chrétienne renonce à un monde auquel elle n’a, en réalité, jamais véritablement appartenu. Le naturel de l’expression, la sincérité de l’artiste (« Angels, ever bright and fair ») caractérisent chaque station d’un inexorable chemin de croix, depuis son repli dans un abîme intérieur, après avoir imploré les ombres de la nuit de la dissimuler (poignant « With darkness as it my woe ») jusqu’à la délivrance quand, avec Didymus, elle aperçoit enfin ce Ciel (« Thither let our hearts aspire ») où, dans leur premier duo, ils promettaient de se revoir (« To thee, thou glorious son of worth »).Everything sets this flamboyant and sophisticated Irene apart from a modest, chaste yet somehow luminous Theodora, delicate, and in that, faithful to Morell and Handel's drama. Lisette Oropesa had already explored Handel a few years ago (Serse, Giulio Cesare, Rodelinda, The Messiah), but no role could have prepared her for this one. Her focus and precision captivate us from her first aria, free of any vocal narcissism, and the rest of her performance follows suit. Lisette Oropesa gives each word its ideal weight and perfect intonation ("Fond, flattering world adieu!"), capturing from the start the essence of Theodora: the Christian maiden renounces a world to which she never really belonged. The naturalness of expression, the sincerity of the artist ("Angels, ever bright and fair") characterize each stage of an inexorable via crucis, from her retreat into an inner abyss, after having beseeched the shadows of the night to conceal her (poignant "With darkness as it my woe") to the deliverance when, with Didymus, she finally glimpses that Heaven ("Thither let our hearts aspire") where, in their first duet, they promised to meet again ("To thee, thou glorious son of worth").— Bernard Schreuders • Forum Opera
Le rôle de Theodora intervient dans des pages recueillies de prières, témoignages de sa foi inébranlable que vient magnifier la voix de Lisette Oropesa dans une homogénéité sans faille. Dans son cachot, elle se lamente sans théâtralité ostentatoire et l’air "With darkness deep, as is my woe" (Ombres de la nuit, enveloppez moi) révèle la beauté de son timbre agrémenté d’un vibrato touchant. Dans une maitrise constante, elle espère la mort par des vocalises et aigus émis dans une souplesse remarquée.The role of Theodora appears in collected pages of prayers, evidence of her unwavering faith that is enhanced by Lisette Oropesa's voice in a flawless uniformity. In her cell, she laments without ostentatious theatricality, and the aria "With darkness deep, as is my woe" ("Shadows of the night, envelop me") reveals the beauty of her timbre adorned with a touching vibrato. With constant mastery, she hopes for death through vocalises and high notes delivered with notable flexibility.— Frédérique Epin • Olyrix
Si bien que le couple qu’il forme avec Lisette Oropesa gagne peu à peu en crédibilité pour atteindre des sommets lors des derniers duos. La soprano déjà célèbre sur les scènes rossiniennes les plus fameuses, met ici en oeuvre sa parfaite vocalité, son timbre fruité, son intériorité pour dresser un portrait à la fois beau, vrai et déchirant de cette jeune martyre capable de tutoyer les anges.The couple formed with Lisette Oropesa gradually gains credibility, reaching new heights in the final duets. The soprano, already famous on the most notable Rossinian stages, here displays her perfect vocal skills, her fruity timbre, her innermost feelings to paint a portrait that is at once beautiful, true and heartbreaking of this young martyr capable of communing with the angels.— Bénédicte Palaux-Simonnet • Crescendo Magazine
Lisette has given 5 performances as Theodora.