Lisette Oropesa’s radiant soprano is well suited for the role of Sophie, Charlotte’s exuberant younger sister,
but the house favorite Lisette Oropesa lights up the stage as Sophie
And Lisette Oropesa was not the usual soubrette Sophie–directed to be more of an equal than “little sister” to Charlotte, she sang with great elegance and energy.
Lisette Oropesa brings a bright, pealing soprano to the role of Sophie
The bright-voiced, impressive soprano Lisette Oropesa is a sunny, winning Sophie
Lisette Oropesa focused giddy sympathy as Sophie, the resident quasi-soubrette.
Soprano Lisette Oropesa is so charming as Charlotte’s sister Sophie that one wonders why the poet fails to respond to her apparent interest.
Professionalmente ineccepibile la compagnia di canto nel suo insieme , su cui spicca sicuramente la fresca voce di Lisette Oropesa nella parte della sorella Sophie.
Her beaming smile and sparkling voice lit up the stage every time she came on. She sang with bright, playful innocence throughout, and was wonderfully endearing when she flirted with the gloomy Werther.
Lisette Oropesa is more than a soubrette Sophie, bringing strong presence to the painful scene between the sisters.
Soprano Lisette Oropesa is perfectly cast as Charlotte’s sister Sophie. Singing of flower bouquets and happiness, the character is nearly the sole ray of sunshine in the piece, and Oropesa’s sweet, agile soprano is one as well.
Lisette Oropesa è un’ottima Sophie, giovane e graziosa, che trasmette una ventata di freschezza con voce soavissima e argentina, squillante senza essere petulante.