And her vocalism was ravishing. Strong emotional currents run thru everything Lisette sings; she can find just the right colour for every note and word, and it all seems perfectly spontaneous. A magical, palpable hush settled over the House during Lisette's "Caro nome": an exquisite portrait of a young girl on the brink, the innocence of the words underscored by a subtle sense of longing. In the ensuing scenes, phrase after phrase of captivating tone and nuance - from her defiance in the vendetta duet to the heart-wrenching poignancy of her farewell to her father - showed again what a thoughtful and unique artist this soprano is.None— Oberon • Oberon's Grove
The role of Alcina is taken by the Cuban–American soprano Lisette Oropesa, whose starring roles at Covent Garden have included a highly acclaimed Violetta in La Traviata. She here embodies both the sexual allure and the emotional fragility of the character –Handel’s psychological acuity seems so modern – and her singing is no less dazzlingly brilliant, with some stratospheric decoration.None— Barry Millington • Evening Standard
Applaudita più di tutti è Lisette Oropesa, al debutto nel ruolo di Elvira: 'agilità sfoderata nei passaggi di bravura è ragguardevole, lo scintillio della voce non sacrifica l'eleganza della frase; è su que. sto terreno esclusivo che il soprano americano costruisce la performance, lasciando a cimenti futuri la possibilità di caratterizzare a fondo un personaggio che pure, nei tre atti, cambia pelle più volte.The most applauded of all is Lisette Oropesa, debuting in the role of Elvira: the agility she displays in the bravura passages is remarkable, the sparkle of her voice does not sacrifice the elegance of the phrase; it's on this exclusive territory that the American soprano builds her performance, leaving to future endeavours the possibility to deeply characterize a character who, over the course of three acts, changes skin several times.— Stefano Valanzuolo • Il Mattino Napoli
In Salzburg kommt Lisette Oropesa den Idealvorstellungen des Komponisten irritierend nahe. Ihren aparten Sopran-Charme weiß die Amerikanerin expressiv zu entfalten. Auch, aber nicht nur in hoher und höchster Lage, wo das Publikum Sängerinnen immer so gerne abheben hört. Selbst dort, wo im Gesangstext destruktive Gefühle überborden, setzt Lisette Oropesa ihr Instrument nie forciert unter Druck.In Salzburg, Lisette Oropesa comes intriguingly close to the ideal image of the composer. The American knows how to expressively unfold her distinct soprano charm. Not just but especially in high and highest positions, where audiences always love hearing singers reach. Even in song texts where destructive feelings are overflowing, Lisette Oropesa never forcefully puts pressure on her instrument.— Volkmar Fischer • BR Klassik
Spicca tra le voci soliste Lisette Oropesa. Dotata del pieno controllo del suo strumento il Soprano dimostra eccellenti doti tecniche mai tendenti all’eccesso.Lisette Oropesa stands out among the soloists. Possessing full control of her instrument, the soprano showcases excellent technical skills, never verging on excess.— Matteo Pozzato • Le Salon Musicale
Chi rivela una crescita artistica e interpretativa formidabile è Lisette Oropesa nei panni della protagonista. Quando sentimmo per la prima volta il soprano in questo ruolo avevamo previsto un ulteriore sviluppo e ne abbiamo la prova: la sua Violetta ora è completa, dal virtuosismo del I atto al liricismo del II, fino al canto drammatico del III. L’interprete è anche cresciuta sotto il punto di vista attoriale, gestendo benissimo anche la maturazione scenica di questo iconico personaggio.Lisette Oropesa, in the role of the protagonist, showcases an incredible artistic and interpretive growth. When we first heard the soprano in this role, we predicted further development, and now have proof: her Violetta is now complete, from the virtuosity of Act I to the lyricism of Act II, concluding with the dramatic singing of Act III. The artist has also grown in her acting abilities, superbly handling the stage development of this iconic character.— Francesco Lodola • Ieri Oggi Domaini Opera
Lisette Oropesa, born in New Orleans in 1983, is an absolutely wonderful singer, as you can see at the Munich Opera Festival. There she sings Violetta in Verdi's "La Traviata" in Günter Krämer's production, which is now almost 30 years old. One of the bizarre things about opera is that dying on stage is often the most enchanting moment, and the way Oropesa sings and plays Violetta's dying here is extraordinarily moving. Because she is extraordinarily precise, never does too much, never too little, gives her voice that crucial fragility that makes a truly authentic impression. Ah, that voice. In the first act she glistens and shines. She is light as a feather, but Oropesa has, firstly, a brilliant technique and, secondly, a wonderful little vibrato that carries her voice over everything, always letting it shine out, while always having a warm, incredibly likeable basic sound. Oropesa is here, at the festival in the first act, highly elegant, dainty, enchanting, charming center of the hustle and bustle that has become somewhat worn out over the years of the production.None— Egbert Tholl • Süddeutsche Zeitung
Lisette Oropesa is Lucia, his sister. With a slender stature and southern appearance, she develops a noticeable stage presence from the very first moment and fascinates with her natural play. Her youthfully fresh soprano is absolutely confident in the high notes and skilled in coloratura, leaving nothing to be desired.None— Jan Krobot • Online Merker
After her brilliant performance as Konstanze in Hans Neuenfels ' Abduction and her solo concerto, Lisette Oropesa's role debut as Lucia was eagerly awaited. A complete success. Like the Cuban-American at the beginning of “ …Ed ecco! ecco su quel margine…' startled by the ghostly appearance of the dead woman, already indicates how sensitive, filigree and highly endangered the young woman she portrays is. Her oath of love is highly credible, and the mad scene is touchingly dramatic. 20 gripping, varied minutes that are incredibly touching. Oropesa has been the most sought-after Lucia since her role debut in 2017 at the Royal Opera House London. The acting is unsurpassed and the singing is almost perfect. The coloraturas are supple and clear, her silvery-bright, modulation-capable soprano voice is paired with a secure technique and strong charisma.None— Manfred A. Schmid • Online Merker
La Lucia di Lisette Oropesa resta nella memoria come un momento sospeso nel tempo, con le sue cadenze perfette, acuti torniti, puntature cinguettate.Lisette Oropesa's portrayal of Lucia remains in memory as a moment suspended in time, with her perfect cadences, sculpted high notes, and chirping staccatos.— Valentina Anzani • Giornale della Musica
ropesa desgranó una Sombre forêt desplegando lirismo, elegancia y las exigencias requeridas en su predominante escritura silábica, efectuando los encantadores saltos de octava (la guinda del pastel canoro) con impecable precisión y remate. La plegaría de Pamyra en Le siège de Corinthe exige otros recursos expresivos, y Oropesa se dejó llevar por la sublime melodía con un pulcrísimo canto legato, dando al mismo tiempo el necesario contenido emocional. Una delicia que destacó el valor de la página.Oropesa meticulously portrayed a "Sombre forêt" displaying lyricism, elegance, and the requirements demanded in her predominant syllabic writing, carrying out the delightful octave jumps (the cherry on the song’s cake) with impeccable precision and finish. The prayer of Pamyra in "Le siège de Corinthe" requires other expressive resources, and Oropesa let herself be carried away by the sublime melody with an extremely pure legato singing, delivering at the same time the necessary emotional content. A delight that highlighted the value of the piece.— Fernando Fraga • Scherzo Magazine
Oropesas Sopran ließ Gilda keine kühle Virtuosität angedeihen, sondern trug das Herz auf der Zunge. Ihre Stimme ließ in der weich gebetteten Mittellage eine leise Wehmut anklingen, die an längst vergangene Opernzeiten erinnerte. Die Sängerin spielte die Figur ohne Übertreibung, erfüllte sie mit herzwärmender Naivität und JugendlichkeitOropesas's soprano did not bestow upon Gilda a cold virtuosity, but wore her heart on her sleeve. Her voice hinted at a gentle melancholy in the softly cushioned middle register, reminiscent of long past opera times. The singer portrayed the character without exaggeration, imbuing her with heartwarming naivety and youthfulness.— Dominik Troger • Online Merker
Virtuos, wie Lisette Oropesa in der Bravourarie Martern aller Arten mit den Stimmen des Orchesters um die Wette singtVirtuosic, as Lisette Oropesa competes with the voices of the orchestra in the bravura aria "Martern aller Arten"— Der Standard • Der Standard
Oropesa gelingt es, mit ihrem schlanken, flexiblen Sopran die in den von ihr ausgewählten Liedern beschworenen Stimmungen und Bilder einfühlsam auszuloten.Oropesa succeeds in sensitively exploring the moods and images evoked in the songs she has selected with her slim, flexible soprano.— Manfred A. Schmid • Online Merker
El programa, amplio en ese abanico, fue además extraordinariamente generoso, tanto como la cercanía de la cantante. Oropesa no lo puede evitar. Es simpática y extrovertida, y necesita el contacto constante con el público. No importa si canta o no. Ella es pura comunicación permanente. Y generoso y grande también es su nivel interpretativo, ya que la soprano es dueña de un instrumento, y de unos conocimientos, propios de los mejores. Y por eso es un privilegio escucharla; porque cante lo que cante, lo hace con sabiduría, e imprimiendo un estilo que recuerda a épocas donde deslumbraron los grandes como De los Ángeles o Callas.The program, extensive in its variety, was additionally extraordinarily generous, as much as the singer's approachability. Oropesa can't help it. She is friendly and outgoing and needs constant contact with the audience. It doesn't matter if she sings or not. She is pure continuous communication. And generous and grand is also her interpretative level, since the soprano possesses an instrument and knowledge characteristic of the best. And that's why listening to her is a privilege; because whatever she sings, she does it with wisdom, and imprinting a style that reminds one of eras where greats like De los Ángeles or Callas dazzled.— Jacobo Ríos-Capapé Carpi • Valencia Plaza
Lisette Oropesa, svettante ma non manierata, capace d’un canto deciso, che ha reso una Giulietta-donna matura e volitivaLisette Oropesa, radiant yet unpretentious, capable of resolute singing, brought forth a Juliet - a mature and determined woman.— Angelo Foletto •