Opera singing; the business
Lisette talks about the business of being an opera singer.
Lisette talks about the business of being an opera singer.
Lisette talks about maintaining good health and fitness for opera singers.
Lisette talks about singing technique for opera singers in her new series.
Lisette is profiled by LSU in a new video.
Lisette Oropesa interviewed in Tutti Magazine
Lisette Oropesa interviewed in The Advocate
Lisette Oropesa interviewed in Country Roads Magazine
Lisette is profiled in the Il Messaggero newspaper for her "marathon" year.
OperaWire gives Lisette the #1 position on singers who had a year to remember for 2018!
Lisette celebrates 30 years of the La Barcaccia radio program in Rome
Lisette Oropesa is featured on the cover of Oper Magazin
Lisette Oropesa interviewed in Opera Wire
Lisette Oropesa is interviewed by Laure Mézan of Radio Classique
Lisette Oropesa interviewed in France Musique
Les Huguenots Streaming on Culturebox and in CGR and UGC Cinemas
Lisette Oropesa interviewed in Ôlyrix
Lisette Oropesa interviewed in Opera Online
Lisette Oropesa interviewed in Concert Classic
Lisette is interviewed in Toute la Culture
Lisette Oropesa interviewed in Ieri Oggi Domani Opera
Lisette Oropesa interviewed in Club de Opera
Lisette is interviewed in Rev Opera
Lisette is interviewed in Forum Opera
Interview with Lisette in Vanity Fair
Lisette is interviewed in Connessi all'Opera
The Lucia sextet at the Teatro Real Bis'd during live coverage.
Lisette Oropesa interviewed on Cadena Ser podcast, La Ventana
Lisette Oropesa interview with Taminophile
Lisette Oropesa interviewed in Voz Populi
Lisette in Scherzo Magazine for July-August 2018