Thank you so much to Michael Dervan fortalking with me about my time here in Vienna and the circumstances around me not being able to make my Ireland debut at the Wexford Festival this year due to Covid.
“The other thing that we have to do is maintain a ledger of every person that we’ve been in contact with every day. If you spend more than 15 minutes with someone, you have to write their name down, just so that if there is a positive test, we have contacts who can be traced.”
Audiences must fill out contact-tracing details, too. “Every person who comes in and out of that building is being traced. Which I think is great. Because if and when we’ve had a positive case pop up, of which there have been a couple, they’re able to isolate those people. And anyone who was in contact with those people has to have a test, and if they’re positive they have to quarantine, so that there are no positive cases in the house. For that I feel very safe, I feel very appreciative.”