Lisette Oropesa triumphs in Die Entführung aus dem Serail at the Wiener Staatsoper

The reviews are in! Let them speak for Lisette's debut at the Wiener Staatsoper as Konstanze in Vienna, Austria!

On the other hand, the drama of the Martern aria was brilliant, with the accent coming from Lisette Oropesa. The American soprano was convincing as Konstanze, mastered insane coloratura and fine nuances, and celebrated artistic versatility.  - Michael Wruss • OÖNachrichten

That ensures great moments when Lisette Oropesa makes her heavily acclaimed state opera debut as Konstanze: a wonderful soprano that shines in fine vibrato reminiscent of Erika Köth. A "common gurgle" mastering all cliffs with confidence, which also knows how to sing with full expression.

- Stefan Musil • Tiroler Tageszeitung

The tragic sufferer, Konstanze, wears the evening. Lisette Oropesa sings for the first time in the State Opera and takes the house by storm. Her soprano exudes heartwarming intimacy and effortlessly masters the extreme cliffs of the role. When it occurs, the piece finds its way back to that simplicity that defines its magic. “Sing, Konstanze, sing!” Pleads her doppelganger in need. Music as a remedy.

- Kleine Zeitung Steiermark

And Konstanze the star that shone everything. Anyone who met Lisette Oropesa at the Met (in the cinema) as such emphatic Manon von Massenet as one would never have expected from someone who was still largely unknown at the time, was not surprised - and yet: a constance with a dark glow Soprano and attacking, performing coloratura are sung and designed so passionately, you don't experience it every day.

—  Renate Wagner  •  Online Merker

Lisette Oropesa as Konstanze undoubtedly offered the best performance. She sang with great dynamism, good expression and a beautiful voice.

- Heinrich Schramm-Schiessl • Online marker

The shining star of the evening: the US soprano Lisette Oropesa, who convinced everyone in the audience without exception on her state opera debut as Konstanze.

- heid • ORF.AT

Lisette Oropesa is a real find. Your constancy is an event. The American soprano is not missing anything: her soprano shines in the high notes that she easily reaches, captivates with sensuality and expression. Their "torture" aria was brilliant.

- Susanne Zobl • News.AT

Lisette Oropesa's brilliant debut as Konstanze, Hans Neuenfels' interpretation of Mozart's "Abduction from the Seraglio" came to the Vienna State Opera on Monday.

- APA • Salzburger Nachrichten

And especially the consistency of Lisette Oropesa, who was previously only known from the transmissions of the Met and who made a brilliant debut, a wonderful, dark-timbred voice with a coloratura attack that left speechless.

- Volksblatt • Volksblatt

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Singspiel “The Abduction from the Seraglio” in the legendary direction by Hans Neuenfels with a grandiose Lisette Oropesa “Entführung”

The American soprano is a constant of world format, has all the necessary coloratura, lyricisms and register transitions and not only creates the famous "Martern Aria" with incredible vocal intensity.

- Peter Jarolin • Courier

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