Here is an interview with The Metropolitan Opera about my upcoming performances of MANON and LA TRAVIATA! ❤️
Thank you Joel Rozen!
Like Manon, for instance. What do you think makes the story of this heroine so captivating?
"It’s about a woman who gets punished for doing the exact same thing that the men in her society are doing without consequence—for her desire to have her cake and eat it too. That’s why it’s an intriguing story: she’s not a victim! In fact, when I was first studying her, I thought, you can just make her shallow, or you can play her as easy. But lots of the men in the opera are exactly the same way: Her cousin is like that. Her boyfriend, in a lot of ways. And his father, not exactly a model of morality. But Manon gets punished for it. So I feel like the issue with her is trying to make her loveable
Read the rest of the article on the Metropolitan Opera's website.