"Making her San Francisco Opera debut, 2005 Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions winner Lisette Oropesa as Romilda displayed a most engaging light soprano with an especially lovely top. The highest notes may not boom out, but their sweetness and fragility cuts right to the heart."None— Jason Victor Serinus • San Francisco Classical Voice
Ismene, the (eventual) bride of Farnace, was the American soprano Lisette Oropesa, whose performance was remarkable: A very attractive voice and an excellent singer.None— José MªIrurzun • Seen and Heard International
And Lisette Oropesa, also a soprano, was charming as the chirpy Amor, meeting the production’s demand that she sing dangling from wires high above the stage with aplomb.None— James R. Oestreich • New York Times
New Orleans-born soprano Lisette Oropesa sang the role of Leila, the priestess at the apex of the love triangle. Audiences will recall her debut with the company a couple of seasons ago as Gilda in “Rigoletto.” Here she has truly found her voice, which has developed beautifully. She has the lightness and flexibility for Bizet’s lines, while also showing an impressive depth and richness, adding layers of color. She also is a charming singing actress, drawing out all she can from the sketchily defined role.None— Theodore P. Mahne • The Times-Picayune