Lisette Oropesa featured in Vegan Lifestyle Magazine

Thank you to Gretchen Dukowitz and Vegan Lifestyle Magazine for taking the time to talk with me about my vegan lifestyle! Check out the February 2017 (Issue 37) edition of the magazine on the App Store and the Google Play Store for the full article!

With Oropesa's commit­ meant to her career, the decision to go vegan seemed like an obvious next step. "I get paid to use my body, and I don't do well with not feeling well, like having my vocal chords swell because I'm eating dairy," Oropesa says. "I went vegan to get my diet to where it was the healthiest that it could be. Then I developed taste for real food in a way that I hadn't before. I had an awakening about food, and now my diet keeps me happy and level."

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