Master Singers: Advice from the stage.

Joining an incredible list of accomplished opera singers, I am proud to be a part of this book. A question and answer style advice guide on singing technique. Be sure to grab your copy of Master Singers: Advice from the Stage, a book by Donald George and Lucy Mauro.


Steph­a­nie Blythe
Law­rence Brownlee
Ni­cole Cab­ell
Jo­seph Calleja
Da­vid Dan­iels
Joyce DiDonato
Chris­tine Goerke
Denyce Graves
Greer Grimsley
Thom­as Hampson
Alan Held
Jo­nas Kaufmann
Si­mon Keenlyside
Kath­leen Kim
Ana María Martínez
Lisette Oropesa
Eric Ow­ens
Dimitri Pit­tas
Ewa Podleś
Jen­ni­fer Rowley
Ger­hard Siegel

226 / 267


Les Arts
Oct. 03, 06, 09, 12, 15
Théâtre des Champs Elysées
Oct. 17
Carnegie Hall
Oct. 23
Grand Théâtre de Genève
Nov. 03
Teatro Real
Dec. 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29